Final Exam!

Today is the day we’ll be put to the test. Our Master Gardener class has come to an end and we’ll be questioned on our knowledge of the subject. During two hours combined with gardening experience of 128 years and our study guides, this should be an easy exam to ace. We’ll see.

Throughout this class, we’ve studied many interesting aspects of gardening in our state. Due to geology, the soils of Nevada are very young, lacking organic matter and nutrients. How lucky we were to begin with enriched soil in raised beds. Sometimes, you just need to help Mother Nature along. It sure worked in our favor.

We love our happy worms.

This year, I learned about plants that thrive here on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada and those that refuse to grow. Just because the nursery sells something doesn’t mean those plants are well suited to an area. Do your homework before going out to buy plants. Gardening isn’t the inexpensive hobby it used to be when we were kids.

Here at Winterpast, the garden and trees enjoy the last few days of summer-like weather. Soon, they’ll drop their leaves and go to sleep for the winter. HHH and I may suffer a bit while switching our attention to the inner walls of Winterpast, but plenty of houseplants will keep us busy.

During the next week, we’ll prepare for travels to God’s country. Idaho. Montana. Wyoming. Each day, through Yellowstone cameras, I’ve noticed fewer cars. By the time we roll into West Yellowstone, the Tourons (Tourist Morons) should’ve left for the season. Hopefully the bison, wolves, elk, and eagles. will be out to play.

We were considering a helicopter ride over the Grand Prismatic but learned that’s illegal unless you’re a photographer. Colorful photographs are taken from airplanes at least a mile in the air, not from a hovering helicopter. In this day and age, it’s hard to believe our eyes anymore. After hiking to the Grand Prismatic, I’d be disappointed if drones or helicopters hung overhead. Wild nature is just more enjoyable.

Grand Prismatic, here we come!!

We’ll be staying at last year’s little honeymoon cabin. Already having meals in mind, it’s time to start shopping and packing our boxes and suitcases. The AirBnB Host made contact with information about great restaurants and activities. It’s nice to know the locals!

As for the fur babies, they’ll get to visit Puppy Camp once again. Fine by them. In the last few days, they’ve become bored with our routine. It’s wonderful to have canine experts watch over our kids so we can get out and have some fun.

This weekend, we’ll look around for Autumn fun. The last weekend in September means its time for “Street Vibrations”. Motorcyclists from all over the country will converge on the Biggest Little City to the West. Having lived in Virginia City for years, the ground truly rumbles when they all roll into town.

Whatever you do this weekend, take some time to have fun. Enjoy family and friends. Get out and enjoy the fall weather. Be kind to others. Find some smiles. Most importantly, have a happy weekend.

More on Monday.

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