Wedding Bells!!!!

For many years, I lived in a world without wedding bells. I guess families go through periods like that. During decades of life, there are periods of weddings, baby showers, graduations, retirements, and funerals. Then, there are dry spells. Being one of the youngest in a very old family, I was out of step with many of those family milestones, except for the funerals.

Auntie TJ made a decision when she was my age that she’d no longer attend weddings, showers of any kind, or funerals. So, for the last twenty years, she’s avoid those observances. At the time, I was in awe of her decision, as I felt the same way. But, slowly, when there were none of the happy occasions to celebrate, I started to missed them.

Growing up in a family of five girls, sixteen years from the oldest to the youngest, wedding and baby showers were a common occurrence. Each daughter chose unique themes, decorations, food, and games for their special celebration. (Big difference between wedding showers of 1964 and 1978.) Then, the Aunties and cousins arrived loaded with giggles and gifts. Such fun memories full of laughter and good wishes.

Now, I’m receiving invitations again, and choosing differently. Bring on every party , game, and pink and blue cupcake. I’ll attend each gender reveal with a happy heart. I’ll cry at the right parts of the upcoming weddings, trying not to complain too much while shopping for the proper clothing for each event.

This weekend, we’re again on the road, traveling over Donner Pass to celebrate at a reception in California. The adorable newlyweds eloped on a destination wedding to Italy. How do you top a proposal under the Eifel Tower? With a wedding across the plaza from the Colosseum! Romance to the max for the adorable couple.

The party will be full of family and friends that will dance the night away under the stars after enjoying a magnificent meal. Weddings are a joyful time for the couple and all those who love them. This reception will be a time for the newlyweds to kick up their heals. After all, they’re already married!! Now it’s time to party.

Although Wookie knows California well, and two remaining wooklets would love to see her again, she will be hanging out at puppy camp with Oliver. There they’ll enjoy swimming, playing with others, and games of fetch. Enjoying lots of food and love, their weekend will disappear as quickly as ours.

Whatever you do this weekend, think about your own family milestones. If you’ve been invited to a baby shower or wedding, dust off your dancing shoes and go. Celebrating with family and friends is one of the happiest times in your life!! Go for it!

More on Monday.