Confucius Says……

Fortune cookies are one of my favorite parts of any Chinese meal. In our little town, there is no shortage of Asian food. We have three existing restaurants and a Panda Express on the way. Our favorite is owned by a young man who bought the establishment from his dad. The food is always fresh, hot, and delicious.

At the end of our last meal, we carefully selected a fortune cookie for our own. Mine said, “Don’t pursue happiness — create it.” Truer words haven’t been spoken. The more you chase a butterfly, the quicker it will fly away. But, stand still and it just might settle on your shoulder. Happiness can elude those that run after it.

While chasing happiness, the focus is on things missing in life rather than true blessings resulting in frustration and unhappiness. This results in a spiral towards UN-happiness. Not productive. Be grateful for all life’s blessings because there are thousands plus one.

By doing enjoyable things that have personal meaning while staying connected with others your life will move in a positive direction. Of course, there are some days things don’t all come together. It just means you get up the next day and try again. Live gives us many opportunities for re-do’s.

HHH and I have found happiness while enjoying our first year of marriage. I’m not sure when the honeymoon phase may end, but we’re expecting it won’t. Slowly, we’re finding schedules and hobbies that work for each of us, while protecting time for each other.

The most rewarding hobby we share in common is gardening. Both of us can’t wait for the sun to rise so we can get outside and tend to the plants. What one of us hasn’t observed in the garden, the other will.

“Have you seen….?”

“Why, yes I have! Isn’t it wonderful!”

As we “OOOhhhh” and “AAAhhhhh” throughout our garden, I wonder what the surrounding neighbors are thinking. I’m sure it sounds as if we’re finding gold in the garden. Perhaps we are!

Yesterday, we decided our very first “Hearts of Gold” cantaloupe was ready to pick. Nervously, we cut into it to find beautiful orange flesh of perfect sweetness and texture. Our first. These bring $10 a piece at the upcoming cantaloupe festival. Well, maybe we are growing gold!

The zucchinis, squash, eggplant, bell peppers, and tomatoes are in full production. We’re done with all the fruit except pears, which are always last. The strawberry bush is enjoying the cooler weather while roses and flowers continue to put on a show.

With our love for gardening, it was a no brainer that we’re both attending University to take a Master Gardeners Course. University of Nevada, Reno is offering the class which begins with a zoom conference today at noon. How fun to meet other gardeners in the area who love plants as much as we do.

Whatever you do today, think about growing something before winter comes. Herbs are a nice place to start. We plan to dehydrate basil, oregano, thyme, and chives for use in our Thanksgiving dinner. As a matter of fact, we’ll be enjoy our homegrown potatoes and bread butter pickles then, as well. Give it some thought. It might become your new hobby.

More tomorrow.