Growing a Garden of Friends

While enjoying a great conversation a few days ago, my bestie, CC, and I discussed the blessings found in new friendships. Enjoying a mindful minute, I too time to reflect on our conversation while appreciating how beautifully my friendships have bloomed while continuing to grow. Sometimes, it’s easy to believe these things just happen by themselves. The truth is that great friendships take work.

Communication is key to any successful relationship. When I first met HHH, we both agreed that honest and continual communication would be the cornerstone to our marriage. Speaking and listening are both necessary to nourish any deep relationship. While enjoying our first year of marriage, we continue to learn about each other through healthy conversations.

It’s also important to make time for those you love. Thinking back to my childhood, I remember days when neighbors would stop by just to say “Hello”. My dad would actually stop working to sit under the Mulberry tree a spell. Mom would bring out fresh lemonade and cookies, while kids were expected to be seen and not heard. Country folk know how to enjoy a visit under the tree to discuss the latest crop prices or talk of upcoming weather. Nothing better than making time for a friends!

Here in the desert, surprise visits aren’t something experienced very often. On Sunday, I enjoyed one from a friend who dropped off a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. Such unexpected kindness was special, indeed.

She and I recently found ourselves needing to find forgiveness over a silly misunderstanding. Both being stubborn and silly, we’d been at an arm’s length until she broke the ice. The misunderstanding came about because of texting. It’s my suggestion that no one depends on texting for important things. When did it become too cumbersome to call someone to talk for a minute? Oy. Vey. This crazy world in which we live.

At any rate, with mutual apologies offered and forgiveness accepted, our friendship lives to bloom another day. With continued communication, respect, empathy and flexibility, I see us being friends until we are old and grey.

Oh wait…… we ARE old and grey.

Well, you get the picture.

Remember, true friends love you unconditionally. They are with you without judgement through the ups and downs of life. If you start to derail, they’re confidant enough to help you get back on track. Though you may not always agree, during bad times they’ll have your back. Most importantly, they can be trusted to speak highly of you when you aren’t there to defend yourself.

Yes, friendships in the garden of life are the most beautiful blooms of all. Whatever you do today, take inventory of your own besties and give them a call. It’s been too long.

More tomorrow.