The Coolest Early Birds

Even though I haven’t mentioned it in a few days, our desert days remain hot. Not just a little warm, but over the century mark every afternoon. Although I continue to love life here on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada, at times I wonder what I was thinking choosing to live in a summer furnace. Sometime before death, HHH and I hope to live somewhere green with constant temperatures of 75 degrees. Not sure when or where that will be, but we can dream.

For now, dealing with the hot weather makes me thankful to be wired as an early bird. Every morning, like clockwork, HHH and I awake before the dogs. By time the coffee finishes brewing, our day has already started with local news.

If you are at all like HHH and I, the news has been fascinating. It seems if you miss an hour, it might take you two more to catch up. Between hype for the Olympics starting next week, and the political news, there is something for everyone. This from a woman that preaches about staying unplugged.

Around 6:30, you’ll find HHH in the back yard doing something. From dead-heading the roses to watering, we are on a mission to finish our chores before it becomes too hot. That’s usually around 11 am.

The afternoons find us working on indoor projects. From fixing a leaky flapper valve on the toilet to organizing our financial affairs, there’s plenty to keep us busy until evening.

Yesterday, while working on Ancestry, (which is eating up more time than I’d like to admit), I found that HHH’s history goes all the way back to days of Lords and Lady’s. My mind is still stuck on the fact that I’m related to someone that was the #1 Bookie on the west coast, living at 2230 Hollyridge Drive (right near the Hollywood) sign in the 1930’s. Looking for more interesting facts, I’ll continue my fascinating journey back to learn more about my past.

Agua Caliente Casino, Resort, and Racetrack

Late afternoons at Winterpast find HHH looking through a large stash of recipes to find just the right meal for dinner. I’m beginning to love “Left-Over’s” nights. HHH is an exceptional cook, along with all his other amazing talents. Some of his best meals are even better the second day.

I doubt I’ll ever be one to burn the candle at both ends. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, or so they say. As the summer races by us, I’m trying to squeeze as many hours out of a day as possible.

It’s hard to believe that a year ago, HHH was thinking about proposing. Life has been full of amazing miracles since then. We are so blessed with happiness. Our home is filled with love, as it should be. We both deserve nothing less.

Whatever you do today, think about discovering what goes on outside an hour before sunrise. You might be surprised to find your back yard looks totally different in the early morning hours. There’s always something new to discover!

Have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back Monday.

It’s going to be a great day!! Stay Calm and Carry On!!!!!