A thankful attitude is a great place from which to grow happiness. Learn to dance in the rain, even if you created the storm. Every day, we all have the most beautiful blessings for which to be thankful. Some days it just takes a little adjustment of focus. It’s a personal choice.
Grateful people are thankful for everything in their life, even on the worst days. It’s observable. There is one true fact of life. Some days are going to be as bad as it gets for each of us. Those of us that are widowed have seen the blackest day in their life come and go. With gratitude, happiness will come again.
Just yesterday, I had the most wonderful experience for which I’m grateful. I was invited to a neighbor’s house. Honest to goodness neighbors living just up the hill from Winterpast! I was invited for tea before Christmas, but viruses delayed our plans. I’m so grateful those bugs are long gone.
Yesterday was the kind of day perfect for a cozy visit with tea and snacks. The kind of day in which you wonder if it will snow, rain, hail or be sunny. In the high desert, just wait a few minutes and you might experience all three. I’m so grateful to live in a place in which the seasons and weather surprise us on a regular basis. Winds so strong it’s hard to walk to the mail box. Sun so hot it could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Big sky so blue, it takes your breath away. The white-est puffy clouds, or formidable storm clouds.
This new friend is lovely in every way. A wife and mom, she’s planting her roots deep into the desert soil. She enjoys landscaping with the amazing view of the mountains as her backdrop. She loves the mustangs as much as I do. She’s smart. I think a little sassy. She’s an executive. I’ve not met many of those, but am finding my new executive besties are very interesting women. She’s a strong woman of faith.
As we sat sipping tea while enjoying great conversation, it was apparent that she’s a grateful soul. With a heart that’s full and content, her life reflects love and happiness. And, just like that, I met someone new and fun! Life is too short to sit around and moan about the state of the city, country, or world. There will always be hatred, scorn, and sadness. Soul-suckers all those things. Much healthier to focus on tea with a hint of lemon while looking out the window at God’s country.
“Cultivating an attitude can help you focus on the positive aspects of your life instead of the negative ones—making you happier, more productive, and successful. Gratitude also strengthens relationships by making people feel appreciated and supported. In addition, grateful people tend to be more helpful than those that aren’t.” Jelena Kabl’c
There are just a few tips to achieve this mindset.
PRACTICE DAILY. Choose three things a day in which to be grateful for. Start a journal. Just three things a day. Of course, you can write down more if you choose. You’ll be surprised how quickly you fill up the pages, without ever repeating the same thing twice.
CHOOSE CONSCIOUSLY! Life is one big smorgasbord of choices. Choose carefully. Be patient with yourself. Rest when necessary. Don’t forget to eat. Play a little. But, make conscious choices. Every minute counts and the day’s a-wastin’.
BE. Allow yourself to BE grateful. Choose happiness, if only for a few minutes a day. Focus on positivity. Immerse your mind in music you love, or a book with a positive message. For goodness sakes, as VST would remind us all, FAKE IT ‘TIL YOU MAKE IT! Smiling can feel weird at first, but do it anyway. For no reason. Just smile. People will want to know your secret!
SHOW YOUR LIGHT! As a widow, people tend to give us the right to be miserable as long as we choose. Don’t accept that safe little place to hunker down. Before long, it can become a way of life. Grieving is a necessary part of life, but it was never met to replace you life. At some point, the time comes to pick up and continue along our personal journies. It comes at time different for each person, and not before. Don’t stick around in that wilderness of grief longer than you really need to.
Once you practice, succeed, and show others your light, you are on the road to happiness. Share your best memories with others, because your beloved lives through them. The more gratitude you have, the more positivity will shine through your life. With those two things in place, happiness will tag along. Not simple. Not easy. Not instant. But, definitely something doable. It’s all about the attitude.
Whatever you do today, hug someone you love. Send a text, asking about their day. Give appreciation to those that help you every day. Tell someone you love them. Go forth and have a wonderful day. It’s the only one we have!
More tomorrow.