There are just some weekends so special and rare, they are for the history books. Dinner company so compatible that one wonders where the time went when the check arrives way before the night should be through. Thoughtful gestures so kind that it makes one happy to be alive. This last weekend was full of those things, overflowing with one special moment after another.
Friday afternoon at 3:30 the weekend was ripe was possibilities. Starting things off by sharing a meal, surely the next few days were headed in a wonderful direction.
On an given Friday night, there’s nothing better than pizza for dinner. On Friday, that certain Marine hand-delivered a Take and Bake pizza to one exhausted teacher. With the correct ratio of cheese to sauce to meat, the dinner was the perfect ending to a wonderful week with students. Of course, the quality of the pizza wasn’t the focus. Laughter and great conversation filled Winterpast. If a house could smile, she was, but not as happily as I was.
On Saturday, Oliver and I took a trip across the desert to see his girlfriend, Sam. She’s the one that trims his nails and cuts his curls. On his last two visits, he’s come home with a bow tie looking absolutely adorable with his new haircut. It was a good thing because Oliver needs to look his best for new a friend. With her very long legs and golden hair, she has turned Ollie into a blithering idiot. She’s much younger at 1.5 years and her antics remind me of how much Oliver has matured every time they romp and play. It seems they’ll have many more playdates. It just wouldn’t be fair to keep such a budding romance from blossoming.
Saturday night, my presence was requested on a real, honest-to-goodness, old-fashioned dinner date. How refreshing to know that chivalry is not dead. That a certain gentlemen might still ask if you are available, and then drive you to a restaurant where you’re invited to order your choice of meal. The Tri-Tip platter, complete with mashed potatoes and cold slaw was mine. So darn tender and delicious. I can’t really tell you if the place was busy or not. I was a bit distracted by great conversations and some very blue eyes.
Yesterday was a day of remembrance of 9/11 at the firehouse. How nice to join hands with a group of friends on such a sad day. The firehouse was cleared of trucks and covered with a sea of 508 beautiful flags (the number of first responders and Flight 93 passengers and crew). Each one had a paper attached with the name of a Fireman (343 died that day), Police, Military, and members of Flight 93 with a small story about how they died. I read about a man that ran into the Pentagon several times to bring others to safety. His mother was told he would have lived if not for Carbon Monoxide poisoning. How senseless. We can NEVER FORGET.
The evening ended with an annual viewing of “Come From Away”. If you haven’t seen it or don’t know about what happened at Gander, Newfoundland, please do some research. “Come From Away” is an award winning Broadway musical written about something wonderful that happened on 9/11. Research some of the characters that were involved that day. I found it on Apple TV. It is not typical in any way and a story you won’t soon forget.
This weekend showed me that I’ve finally found the balanced life for which I’ve struggled to attain and achieve. I love my work and students. Winterpast is the coziest of nests. Oliver is coming of age to be a great dog. I’ve made new friends in the dusty little wide spot along the interstate that I call home. Now, the biggest hole in my puzzled existence just might be filled with a true companion.
Be thankful for all the good thing that happens each day. Life throws plenty of downs coming with certainty. But along with those heartaches, there are plenty of moments that are absolutely golden. Focus on them. String them like pearls in your day. It looks just like happiness when you’re through.
More tomorrow.