Spring Break!!!!!

Although it seemed like Spring Break would never come, it’s here! That magical time of year when the world collectively shrugs off winter blues, crams into airports, and attempts to tan without burning to a crisp. The best thing about retirement is that we make our own schedules for any reason we choose. So, we’ve chosen a two-week spring break.

Spring break starts with the eternal optimism of packing. I’ve picked out swimsuits, cute outfits, and sandals all in an effort to look fabulous. I’ll probably wear the same sundress five days in a row while half my suitcase will remain untouched. This time, I’m packing more sunscreen while ditching a big assortment of shoes and clothing I’ll never wear.

Nothing beats that first glorious sail-away day! Lathered in SPF 50, we’ll find out place poolside on Deck 16 and wait for the party to begin. It’ll be fun to watch those newbies as they try to figure out what to do, while experienced cruisers head to the endless buffet to begin non-stop eating.

Calories don’t count on vacation, right? That’s the only logical explanation for how an innocent spring break turns into a week-long food festival. Ice cream before lunch? Yes. Fried food at every meal? Absolutely. An entire bucket of popcorn at the movies under the stars? Necessary. All in all, it’ll be a wonderful vacation on which we’ll eat and drink way too much.

We’re planning to enjoy every inch of the new ship. With daily visits to the spa and evening visits to our favorite steak house, we’ll fill in the rest of the time with well planned activities. One of the nicest parts of the day on the high seas is Bible Study, held every day at 8:30. A great place to meet new friends and learn more about the word of God.

Wookie and Oliver, will be excited to head off to puppy camp. We haven’t mentioned the plans yet, because they get too excited. Thank goodness they love their time in the little town to the east. Don’t know what we would do without Michelle and her wonderful staff.

Soon enough, we’ll return home, sun-kissed (hopefully not sunburned), exhausted, and suddenly more aware that there is no place like home. Once the suitcase is unpacked, we’ll spend the next few days questioning all your life choices— especially the ones surrounding the destination for the next cruise.

Yes! Spring Break is always worth it. Because let’s be honest—what else are you supposed to do in March?

Garden? Nah.

I’ll be back on March 24th. Until then, enjoy the archives! I’ll miss you!!

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