National Oreo Day

I never meant to fall in love.

It just… happened.

Like all great romances, mine began innocently enough. My grandmother introduced us way back in the mid-1900’s. “Try just one,” she said. Foolish and dangerous words. But I was young, impressionable, and hungry. I took a bite. In that moment I knew my life would never be the same. I found my favorite cookie.

At first, I was a casual admirer. A single Oreo when visiting Grammie, maybe two after dinner. “I can quit anytime,” I told myself, brushing off the crumbs from my lap. But can one simply have one Oreo? No. That’s like saying you’ll watch just one episode of a favorite show before bed. It’s a lie I’ve certainly told myself a time or two.

Years later, we now celebrate America’s #1 cookie each year on March 6 with National Oreo Day. This is one timeless classic.  With crisp chocolate sides and creamy filling, these little cookies have captured our hearts and stomachs. First introduced in 1912, it has been the best-selling cookie in America ever since.

I love to dunk them, twist them, and straight up take a bite. The crisp snap of the chocolate wafer and smooth, creamy filling. It’s an experience unlike any other. I should’ve walked away long ago, but no—Oreo has me in its perfectly round grip.

And so, I embrace my love. I no longer fight it. Oreo and I are in this for the long haul. the best I can do is strive for moderation. HHH “savors” his treats. His Girl Scout Thin Mints last in the pantry for weeks. But what’s life without the simple joy of biting into a cookie that feels like an old friend? Really, what’s the point of a perfectly good cookie sitting in the dark? None that I can see.

If you’re trying to think something to do with friends this weekend, have an Oreo Tasting. Find as many varieties of these tasty cookies as you can, and compare flavors. Cool Mint? Golden? Birthday Cake? Original?  Do minis taste different than regular? Ask the hard questions, and enjoy!

You could always throw an Oreo Dessert Party where everyone has to bring a homemade dessert created with Oreos! Pie with Oreo crust, ice cream with Oreo mix-ins, cake with Oreos incorporated in the batter. Go crazy while enjoying the versatility of this cookie.

Or just keep it simple and eat some of these classic cookies on National Oreo Cookie Day. Buy a pack on your way home from work or bring a package into the office for everyone to enjoy. Whether you keep them all to yourself or share the love, there’s really nothing better than fresh Oreos.

So if you see me with cookie crumbs on my shirt and eyes dreamy with chocolate-fueled bliss, just smile and let me enjoy the moment.

Love is love. Even if it comes in a blue package.

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