There are moments in life when divine intervention saves the day. It’s happened to us all at least once. In 1973 at just 17 years old, I emerged uninjured from my totaled car. A tree blocking one exit and a large truck blocking the other, I cocooned inside my crumbled car until the fire department came. To this day, I believe God saved me to live a long and fruitful life. A major miracle in my life.
But quiet miracles surround us in unexpected ways every day. Most days, we pass right by the small miracles in life, never even noticing them.
I once heard someone say that angels have a full-time job keeping us from disaster. If that’s the case, mine deserves a raise. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve absentmindedly misplaced my glasses or faced unexpected challenges. And yet, despite daily chaos, things tend to work out. That’s grace, if you ask me.

Miracles aren’t always wrapped in lightning bolts and burning bushes. Sometimes, it’s in the way the morning sunlight catches the dust motes just so, turning them into floating gold. Or how a song you haven’t heard in years plays at just the right moment, bringing back a memory you needed to remember
On a pleasant afternoon, I was fretting over a big decision. Pacing the yard while praying for answers, something caught my eye. A nervous dove had made her nest on the top rung of my ladder. Nervously adjusting herself, little bits of her nest fell away. She knew she’d been discovered. This simple sign reminded me none of us have it all together. Not even a little dove sitting on her eggs.

Nature never disappoints as stars twinkle on clear nights. Trees continue to grow toward the sun despite storms, bad soil, and occasional overly ambitious squirrels. Bulbs remember to wake up after weeks under the snow. So many little miracles that happen every minute of every day as reminders we’re a small part of something vast and beautiful.
Think about all the tiny, unnoticed ways life arranges itself.
- The stranger who smiles at you on a hard day, unknowingly lifting your spirits.
- The dog who senses your sadness and nudges your hand at just the right time.
- The moment you narrowly avoid disaster without realizing it until later.

Could be. But I like to think it’s something more.
Daily miracles don’t always arrive with fanfare. More often, they’re found in the quiet—between the lines of our daily stories, with the laughter of a friend, the warmth of a cup of tea, or even the absurdity of a bird nesting on a ladder.
The next time life has got you down, stop. Sit down. Pick up a pen and paper and write #1, #2, and #3. Pause for a second. Think of three beautiful people in your life for which you are deeply grateful. Write down their names. Then, write #4, #5, and #6. Stretch your brain. Think of 3 things for which you are grateful. Then, keep going until you reach #20.
God. Sunsets. A warm home. Food in the frig. A faithful dog. A best friend. Hope. Faith. Love. Spring. Flowers. A spring breeze. The rain. Apricot blossoms. Honey bees. Love. Love. Love. and more love.
Blessings and life’s little miracles. They’re waiting for you to find them. Even on the grayest day, life is beautiful. It’s up to us celebrate that.