Potatoes, Onions, and Garlic, Oh My!

Although I know this beautiful weather won’t last, it sure is a great teaser. Each day, the sky gets bluer and the temperature warmer. Spring is just around the corner. On March 9th, the time will change as we continue the annual march toward the desert heat.

The warm days have convinced the apricot tree to bud out much too early. Without having a normal winter, everything is a bit confused, including the resident gardeners. Yesterday, HHH hooked up the hose to do some watering. Spring requires an assessment of garden tools. Alas, hose sprayer was broken.

These attachments don’t last long here in the desert. Between the intense desert sun and the our corrosive water, hoses and attachments are lucky to make it through one summer. HHH offered to go to Lowe’s and find a replacement.

Oliver and I took the time to work on the blog, while HHH and Wookie headed off into the beautiful summer day. Thoughts were coming as the words formed on the screen when the phone interrupted the flow.

It was HHH. Did I think it was too early to buy potato, onion, and garlic sets? The store had a good variety, although the russets were already sold out.

Sold out? At the end of February? A sign to me that an immediate purchase was necessary.

“YES!!!!! Throw in some asparagus while you’re at it!”

A little while later, the twosome returned with their purchase. Red and yellow onions, red potatoes, garlic, and asparagus. All ready to plant as soon as we have the time and energy. And so, the 2025 garden season begins.

Meanwhile, the dining room table is turning green with new life. The first set of seeds sprouted as soon as they hit the moist soil. Just a week since planting, they are springing forth. It’s exciting to see the variety of tiny little plants. The Amaranth plants are sprouting in red!

Today, we’re tackling pruning. We’ve gone around each tree several times deciding which limbs and branches need to go. Having made a plan for each tree, the hard part is done. All that’s left is sawing, trimming, and haul-away.

For the next week, the weather will remain in the 60’s. Heck, we’ll probably turn the water back on until……

Winter comes back for her last gasp. It’s bound to happen. So for now, we’ll play outside.

Whatever you do today, catch some sunshine. It’s healthy to be outside and breathe the fresh air. Take a walk around the block. Get out and get going. It will be good for what ails you.

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