It takes a few days to return to the groove after a peaceful vacation, especially when the weather outside is spring-like. These days, we’re enjoying the 60s here on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada. Although the wind’s been kicking up, the sun shines, and the sky is a brilliant blue—the kind of blue one doesn’t see in the winters of central California.
After a wonderful breakfast yesterday, HHH and I were itching to get out in the yard. With 30 daffodils to plant, there wasn’t a moment to lose. Every fall, we’re enticed to buy bulbs only to forget to plant them in December. These were already sprouting in their little baggies. After burying them deep in the soil, HHH gave them a good watering. Who knows when we’ll receive rain around here…

By the time we finished, any hope of taking down the Christmas lights while atop a ladder was gone. Wind and ladders don’t go together. Our lights are still up because, during the month of January, HHH had a full-time job caring for me. Oy Vey. Maybe at this point, they should remain. Christmas 2026 is just around the corner with the speed we’ve completed January and a good portion of February.
Oliver and Wookie had the time of their lives running around the yard. For most of the winter, they’ve been hanging out in the house wondering what all the coughing was about. Now, with the sun shining, they are ready to race, roll, and romp.

Wookie’s favorite puppy trick is quite the show. She absolutely loses her mind over the hose, jumping back and forth while trying to bite it. Frustrating HHH, she is persistent if nothing else. Almost 4 years old, this behavior is no longer “puppy-cute” but a bit “dog-obnoxious”. She really loves tormenting HHH and the hose.
After finishing with the bulbs, we moved on to prune the roses. In the garden, there is nothing quite as satisfying as 20 pruned rose bushes. For the best possible blooms, the rose bushes need severe pruning. Each taking a clipper and wearing heavy leather gloves, we went to work. When finished, it was rather hard to tell which bush was done by which gardener! Pretty obvious that we both went to the same gardening classes last fall.

The warm weather won’t be here for long and is only a tease for the real beginning of spring. However, spring is busting out all over the dining room table. With seeds under grow lights, our season begins now. Many seeds needed 30 days of cold stratification (freezing). They came out of the freezer and went into little pods of soil. And so it begins.
If you’re going to try your hands at sprouting your own seeds, Jiffy sells trays that come with 36 or 72 pods. Just add water, light, and seeds. In weeks, you’ll have the beginnings of your 2025 garden.
With the nice weather, the garage, garden shed, and greenhouse need cleaning. There are soil amendments to buy and apply. Little by little, our endurance will return after our very lazy winter by the fire. These last winter days on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada are lovely, indeed.

Whatever you do, think about growing something new in your garden this year. If it’s still freezing in your area, put in some bulbs of your own. Flowers are God’s way of laughing!!!
More tomorrow.