After discussing it for a few days, HHH and I are now the proud parents of a tiny, underwater kingdom that could test our patience, budgeting skills, and sanity. So far, we’re making it through the process with minimal trauma and maximum enjoyment. When we finished adding plants to our tropical jungle, the next logical addition was an aquarium.
Of course, the glass aquarium isn’t the only necessity. Purchases on our first trip to the pet store included the following: A filter (to prevent the water from looking like pea soup)
A heater (for Tropical fish)
A light (so we can see our fish instead of just guessing where they are)
Gravel (fish deserve interior décor, too)
Water conditioner (tap water is basically fish poison)
A test kit (to better understand water chemistry)
Decorations (because every fish deserves a plastic object behind which to hide)

HHH and I picked a place away from direct sunlight (to avoid an algae farm), not too close to a drafty window, and out of the way of anyone lacking spatial awareness (sadly, that’s me). We picked a spot that allows us to stare at our tank for hours instead of doing anything productive. A definite plus.
After washing the gravel to remove any dirt, HHH slowly filled the tank experiencing minimal spillage.
A 10-gallon tank isn’t an Olympic-sized swimming pool, so we kept it simple, while choosing the cutest little fish! Neon tetras (tiny, colorful, and always throwing mini raves)
Guppies (the rabbits of the fish world—be prepared for babies)
Catfish (cute little bottom dwellers that clean up after their messy friends)

Once the tank cycled, HHH sloooowly introduced our new aquatic pals. They stared at us in confusion while we stared back, hoping they were happy. Given time, they’ve settled in quite nicely.
Regular water changes (20-30% weekly) and filter cleanings are key. We’re hoping to cultivate a little algae. If our fish start acting weird, we’ll test the water, but if something starts to smell bad, it’ll be time to panic. Luckily, Leo, our local fish wizard, has promised to help with any problems we might experience.

We’re getting the hang of it. Our fish are recognizing us as the all-powerful Food Givers, and we spend more time watching them than Netflix. It’s strangely therapeutic. We might need a bigger tank… because everyone knows, a 10-gallon is only the beginning.