A New Dawn, A New Day!

I am so happy to be back on this beautiful winter day!!! The weather here on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada has been crisp, clear, and brilliantly bright. With highs in the upper 50’s, it’s been downright spring-like, which shouldn’t be embraced. We have yet to have our share of winter but it’s surely on the way.

Today, we celebrate the beginning of new leadership. HHH and I will be celebrating many things tonight with home-cooked steak and lobster, finally enjoying the New Year’s dinner that didn’t happen. Influenza A took over as the weeks flew by. Happily, that’s in the past and it’s time to celebrate health and a bright new future.

2025 will be a year to remember. For one thing, it’s the year I’ll usher away the 6th decade of my life and welcome the 7th. My 70’s will be the most brilliant time in life because I will make it so, but not before celebrating every single day of 2025 with a marvelous sendoff.

To start the year off right (now that I’m finally well), I’ve been sorting the heirloom seeds HHH gifted me for Christmas. When sorting seeds, there are important things to remember. Some seeds need stratification in the freezer. Some seeds need darkness to germinate, while others thrive under grow lights. All seeds have specific lengths of time for germination, so it’s wise to map out your plan on a calendar. Our growing season will begin in a couple of weeks.

If starting seedlings for your garden, start with fresh, viable seeds, resisting the temptation to pull out old packets from the garage. As I learned last year, your plants are only as good as the seeds. Growing plants from seeds can be disappointing if you start with old seeds.

Along with getting my strength back, the last few days have been a wonderful time to rid the house of dust bunnies and dog hair. Nothing feels better than being healthy enough to vacuum and dust the house. For that, I would like to hire a marching band to celebrate.

Yesterday, I talked with a dear friend who is very troubled about the personality of our new president. After talking a bit, I finally had to make her laugh a little bit with the following truths.

  1. You don’t need to ask the man to dinner.
  2. Forget his noise. Watch for his signal (actions). That will speak volumes to a man’s ability and character. In other words, step away from the circus that follows him. Watch his cabinet get to work. Judge the results after things happen. Period.
  3. Results follow actions. Only then, can we judge the presidency.

For this great country, I’m so thankful. Having lived in a communist country in 1977, I learned first-hand the horrors of communism. My ancestors fled from the nightmare of socialism. How terrifying that we came so close to losing something as precious as our customs and way of life. It’s up to us to keep our magnificent country safe, free, and great again.

Whatever you do today, celebrate dreams. Celebrate health. Celebrate happiness. Heck, just celebrate!!!!!! There is so much in life for which to be thankful. Skip the noise. Watch for the signals.

More tomorrow.