‘Twas the night before Christmas, in Winterpast at home,
Soaking in the hot tub, praying for world-wide Shalom.
Two stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
One for my husband, and one for me were there.

Oliver nestled asleep in his crate,
Wookie snoring on the bed, both dogs doing great.

Later dried, watching movies, our nest feelin’ right
We finally dozed off for restful sleep in the night
When my cell phone did rumble and ding with a clatter
From my Bestie, CC, checking on me with chatter.
Through words we shared events of the day,
Promising tomorrow a call to check in and say “Hey”.

With the stars brightly shining, true beauty shone through
The journey through grief no longer making us blue.
With sleep not appearing while we tried to relax,
The cell phone complained, our quiet now cracked.
A friend from afar, “Merry Christmas” to say
A surprise of the best kind, better than gifts on a sleigh.
“Everything now brighter, we’ll remember the good.
Sleep well, time’s healed all, as we prayed it would.”

Faith, Hope, and Love, we reflect on tonight.
Santa is great, but to these things hold on tight.
Our journey through life holds beauty, it’s true
There’s Hope for tomorrow, Love helps Faith blooms anew.
When HHh shook me to check just once more for good measure,
My husband and best friend, a man quite treasured.
Christmas tomorrow? Could he cook ham for Miss Lazy?

“Can we speak tomorrow?”
Wait….. What???????
Am I crazy?????
After a good night’s sleep, we’ll not feel so frumpy,
No time for the blues or being down in the dumpy.
Tomorrow we’ll smile and get Christmas just right
With Faith, Hope, and Love, our spirits will take flight.
Down with past sadness, self-pity, and blues.
Up with carols, treats, and friendships true.
Love to Auntie, Goddess, and Miss Firecracker, loved so
When troubled about life, to you I go.
Thanks Daughter, Alu Angel, and CC, too,
I truly love my Christmas angels, You!
Hearts smiling, we’ll enjoy a great dinner, bright.
My Mysterious Marine will season everything just right.

So Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away all.
Off to the grocery store, down to the mall.
Finish the wrapping with ribbons and bows,
With love for each other, happiness grows.
I send you this, My Christmas wish true,
Merry Christmas, Dear Friends, with love to you.
Thank you for finding interest in Grievinggardener while helping me get through this crazy journey called life. Your steady love, friendship, and prayers help me to grow every day. Life is the most beautiful journey of all.
Merry Christmas to you all.