Grief is like the wind: invisible, yet powerful. It touches every part of us, sweeping through our hearts and minds, while shaping our lives in ways we never expected. Like the wind, grief is something that can be difficult to understand, yet it’s deeply felt. It can feel wild and untamed, or soft and silent, but it moves through us in its own way, often when we least expect it.
Just as the wind doesn’t announce its arrival, grief often comes quietly, without warning. One moment, there’s a sense of normalcy, and the next, we find ourselves caught in a gust of emotion not anticipated. A gentle breeze, barely noticeable at first, it can become a storm leaving us reeling. Or it may arrive as a sudden gust, strong and fierce, knocking us off our feet and leaving us in a tearful heap.

But much like the wind, grief changes, ebbing and flowing. This shifting nature of grief makes it hard to navigate. There’s no clear timeline or guaranteed path to healing. It takes its own course, sweeping us through moments of clarity and confusion, strength and vulnerability. We don’t GET OVER grief, but move THROUGH it.
The wind also carries with it a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. When we feel the breeze against our skin, we are reminded that we are part of something vast—an endless sky, an open field, an expansive ocean. Similarly, grief reminds us of our connection to what we’ve lost and what we still hold dear. Just as the wind touches everything in its path, grief touches everything in our lives, sometimes leaving us with a sense of emptiness, other times helping us find strength we never knew we had.

And like the wind, grief doesn’t ask for permission. It doesn’t wait for the right moment, nor does it obey our wishes. Yet, with time, we learn to understand its rhythm. Sometimes we welcome its presence, knowing it’s part of the process. Other times, we may fight it, hoping that if we can control it, we can avoid the discomfort. No matter how we respond, the wind will continue to blow, and so will grief. It will shape us, change us, and in time, teach us to move with it, instead of against it.
There are days when the wind feels too strong, too overwhelming. The gusts of grief seem to be more than we can bear. But like the wind, grief will eventually pass. We may never forget what it has carried away, but with time, we find new ways to live with it. And just as the wind can calm and settle into a peaceful breeze, so too can our hearts find moments of stillness after the storm of grief.
It’s also important to remember that wind can be a source of renewal. After a storm has passed, the air is often clearer, the world quieter, as if everything has been reset. Grief, in its own way, has this power too. In the wake of loss, we may find new perspectives, deeper connections, and a stronger sense of what truly matters. Just as the wind can refresh the earth, grief can renew our spirits, helping us grow in ways we never anticipated.

So, as we stand in the winds of grief, we may find comfort in knowing that, like the wind, it will change. There will be days when it feels calm and still, and others when it picks up again. And through it all, we will continue to grow, adapt, and find peace in the quiet moments between the gusts. Grief, like the wind, is a natural part of life—a force that, though invisible, shapes us in ways that are both challenging and beautiful.