With the first week of December nearly gone, Christmas is upon us. HHH has been spending his days on the ladder as he makes Winterpast sparkle. Warm and toasty inside, I’ve been putting out items while remembering Christmas’s of long ago.

Everyone in the area is gearing up for some old-fashioned Christmas fun. The little town to the east will hold its tree lighting tomorrow night. Some dear friends are going to join us for dinner and the fun. Down Mainstreet, the elves of this little town make snow in case there’s not much of the real stuff. This all leads to a magical evening of old-fashioned fun.

Saturday night, our little town can’t be outdone! After a day of pancakes and pictures with Santa, we’ll enjoy the lighted parade. Then, the town will light the town’s Christmas tree while the countdown continues.
Even though years have passed since that first Christmas of grief in 2020, special yet random memories pop up reminding us of loss. It could be a favorite Christmas carol or a silly ornament. Memories of those we’ve lost are always close by.

Here are some hints that might help.
- Plan and Prioritize. There’s no rule that you must do everything, or anything for that matter. Pick 2 or 3 events that you don’t want to miss, or plan to miss them all. The big thing is to choose the look and feel of YOUR holiday season. Do You.
- Pace Yourself. If you need help getting those boxes down from the rafters, for goodness’ sakes, ask for help. It might be the year to sort through your Christmas stash and donate a few things. If the boxes are just too much, skip them altogether.
- People vs. privacy. Make a choice. It takes a lot of energy to entertain others. It’s okay to skip a holiday if the pressure is too much. Friends and family will understand.
- What does the season mean to You? It’s a great time to think about why we celebrate. Take some time to consider the personal meaning the holidays have for you.
Take a deep breath and find a smile. Cozy up and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. If you live anywhere like my town, it’s cold outside. Autumn is a lovely time of year to reflect.

More tomorrow.