Cyber Monday

There was a time when the malls of America were stunning at Christmas time. The perfect place to meet up with friends, it was exciting to go with a list and spend the day searching for just the right gift. Sometimes, the right gift didn’t make it on the list, but when you saw it, you knew. Well, the times they are a-changin”.

Many other traditions aren’t honored anymore. Beloved Christmas hymns are missing from many Sunday services, replaced by more popular selections. Even in our small town, christmas caroling seems to be a thing of the past. How sad to lose such beautiful songs tying us to even more beautiful memories of long ago.

Black Friday used to be on the Friday after Thanksgiving. On that very day, husbands were in a turkey coma while kids were running amuck. It was the perfect day to get away with friends and shop for the first bargains of the season. It was always on Friday, not the entire month before Thanksgiving. Hence the name black FRIDAY!!!!! Perhaps they should consider changing the name to Black November.

Today, we celebrate Cyber Monday. Rather than braving the cold, snow, and ice to shop, we can sip our piping-hot coffee while putting things in our cyber-baskets. In a few days time, boxes will arrive full of secret gifts. Just be sure you open the right boxes!!

There are some things to remember if you plan to do your shopping this way.

Make a list and stick to it. When ordering online, I suffer amnesia about the presents I’ve already purchased. If you have a budget and list, you’ll be happier in January.

Be careful and shop from trusted websites. On Amazon, many products are sold through “The Marketplace”. This isn’t our trusted Amazon, but 3rd-party sellers. The other day, I purchased a book on writing. When it came, it was quite old, dusty, and used. The worst thing about Marketplace is that these sellers make it nearly impossible to return goods. Avoiding Marketplace sellers is a wise idea in my experience.

If you can, try to shop local. Little Mom and Pop shops have such a hard time making ends meet in this economy. They need to forecast what products will sell, order them in the summer and hope for the best. The local owners are often the same people that work the check-out, stock the shelves, and keep the books. They are neighbors and friends. So, think about going out and buying things from local shops.

Remember to use the credit card with the best points or cash bonus returns. After a busy Christmas season, those benefits add up, so don’t forget about them.

Finally, monitor your card on a daily basis. Although this can be a pain, finding suspicious activity early is key in keeping your account safe from fraud. Choose a time of the day that works for you. If you’re not sure how to check your account online, find out.

Whatever you do today, it’s time to start your gift lists. If you are thinking about sending cards, pour yourself a cup of hot cocoa and get with it. Take some time and listen to some old Christmas hymns. You just might be surprised that you still know every word.

More tomorrow.