Poinsettias and Lights!!!!!

After a wonderful day with family and friends, HHH and I are ready to decorate for the holidays. The neighborhood outdoor lighting competition started last week. The men in our neighborhood have one thing in common. They LOVE outdoor Christmas lights and are going to make sure they have the BEST display on the block.

Just a year ago, HHH and I were the newlyweds on the block. It all started with the very first strand of lights placed on the eaves of Winterpast. The Marine across the street went for the bait and placed computerized lighting on his house. The contest was ON.

The lighted deer arrived two days before Christmas, completing our display. With a forest of lighted trees, snow men, deer, lighted dogs, and lights on top of more lights, our neighborhood never looked better. This year, I’m sure it will be even better while more homeowners are already getting out the ladders and lights.

I handle the interior decorations avoiding ladders and the cold. For the last ten years, Lowe’s has offered small poinsettias for $1.50 each. Cute and compact, the poinsettias can be grouped to create larger arrangements. It’s become one tradition I love. At 6 am, we’re off to Lowe’s to purchase the colorful plants which last throughout the season.

Those of you who celebrate a December birthday might understand. I love decorating early. I’m usually decorated for Christmas by Thanksgiving because I’d rather not overshadow my birthday with Christmas chores. Decorating is a big job. Any possible birthday excitement (of which I have next to zero anyway) will be spent if I wait. Decorations are up by December 1.

As the years have flown by, I’m less attached to decorations or the need to have every inch of Winterpast covered in red and green. My December birthday is insignificant when compared to something much more important. The REASON for the SEASON. The birth of Jesus.

Whatever you do this weekend, take some time to reflect on past holidays and the things that brought you happiness. Pick out things that make you smile and incorporate them into a wonderful new season. Try a new recipe. Make some cookies for a friend. Stay busy. Keep Calm and Carry on!

More on Monday.