There’s No Place Like Home

So many stories to tell after a whirlwind Autumn of travel!! With our suitcases unpacked for the last time in 2024, it’s time to reflect on all we’ve seen. From the desert to the mountains to the sea, we’ve been immersed in the wonders of our beautiful world. What a fun time we’ve had.

First of all, after one year of marriage, I’ve discovered HHH (Hubba-Hubba-Hubby) is the best travel partner possible. If you need a guy that can locate a Yellowstone wolf in the wild, he’s the one. If you need a bodyguard on crowded Las Vegas Boulevard, Mr. Marvelous Marine has you covered. Even if you need an escort for formal night under the stars, HHH is right there, smooth as silk with blue eyes sparkling under his best Fedora. The perfect travel companion. It’s wonderful that he just happens to be my husband!

During our travels, we’ve managed to squeeze in some wild living while being surrounded by wildlife. We’ve seen bears, wolves, bald and golden eagles, owls, and plenty of ravens. We were entertained by wild sea and river otters. The bison and elk were fabulous. There were seal lions, dolphins, and one lonely sea turtle. Frigate birds, albatross, and seagulls. We were lucky to spot a mother whale and her calf working their way down the California Coast towards the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Did you know that as the sun slips below the horizon on the Pacific a green flash occurs. If you didn’t know, you’d miss it. The conditions need to be just right and one needs to be very careful not to look too early. Knowing all of this, we managed to witness the flash once over the ten days afloat.

Through almost 12 weeks of vacationing, HHH never spoke a cross word to anyone. My Marvelous Marine pointed out the humor when things got a little trying, as they do when a husband and wife travel long distances.

In September, we first traveled to the Land of Man visiting Las Vegas. Then, we drove days to the Land of God, Yellowstone National Park. There is not another spot I’ve seen that can hold a candle to Yellowstone. If you’ve not been, put the trip on your bucket list. There are Yellowstone cams that keep me connected until our return. The only thing those two destinations have in common is that we visited them in the Fall of 2024.

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Two weeks ago, HHH and I boarded the Majestic Princess and sailed out of Los Angeles harbor to visit the Mexican Riviera. Cruising is luxurious. There were no worries about what to eat or drink. You want entertainment??? It was there at the theater. Heck, the boat even had a casino for some added fun. Time at sea stops for us and we can’t wait for our next cruise, which will be sooner than later.

Even after being surrounded by majestic mountains and beautiful star-filled nights on the high seas, one fact remains. No place is better than our very own Winterpast. It was good to get back home and settle into our comfy clothes. Winter weather has arrived with Thanksgiving just a few days away.

Traveling is a great way to learn about your mate. From cruising to driving, I’ve learned I’m one very lucky woman to have found just the right guy for me.

Whatever you do today, consider a getaway. We’ve learned cruise lines make accommodations for people of any age in any physical condition. We saw guests in their 90’s having the time of their lives. The crisp ocean air helped inspire new thoughts and dreams. If nothing else, watch a few episodes of “The Love Boat” on YouTube. Happy Sailing!

More tomorrow.