“Sometimes humans are confusing. If they only took better care of themselves, their lives would be less stressful, Wookie.”
“Yes, Oliver. Life’s difficulties would be easier to navigate. They could face life with courage while being content and connected. Mom-Oh should feature us on her blog more often, because we know some stuff.”
“Wookie, I like the way your paws are crossed. You sure look professional ike you know something important. My legs are too short for crossing.”

“Sorry about your legs, Oliver.”
People should be more kind to one another. Our mom and dad are really nice to us. We never need to sleep out in the cold or go without dinner. We get lots of cuddles at night. You sleep in you crate, while I like sleeping on their bed. They know this and are considerate of our feelings. People should be as kind to each other as they are to their pets.

If they would only live in the moment, like we do. We don’t get excited for dinner until its dinner time, enjoying our minutes as they come. We remember to breathe deeply and take naps when we need them.
Wookie —
And when we get in trouble, we try to distract them with smiles and tail ways. When people are distracted by something cute or funny, they seem to forget troubles or sadness. That’s why I learned to smile at Dad when he used to be sad. It brightened his day right up. Your tail wags make Mom-Oh smile. I’ve seen it.

Humans are just that. Sometimes they think they’re perfect. But no one is that. I wish they’d forget about trying so hard and just relax a little bit. It would be better for our pack.
Wookie —
Mom-Oh and Dad have done a good job choosing friends. It’s fun when nice people come for dinner. Oliver, don’t tell them, but sometimes the nice people drop food and I find it really fast. I love when that happens.
You, too? Wookie, I love when food is dropped. Sometimes, the nice people even sneak me a snack. Shhhh. We can’t tell.

I hope Mom-oh and Dad keep watching their health. They love being out in the sunshine while they garden. It makes them so happy to grow good food to eat. Oliver, try not to eat all the cucumbers next year. Mom gets stressed out and stress is a killer.
Okay, Wookie. Next year I’ll try to be better. Did you know Mom didn’t garden as much before we became a pack? Dad has helped her smile more. It’s good for humans to smile. You have such a great smile, Wookie. I wish I knew how.

It seems that journaling helps humans sort our their thoughts. Mom spends hours in front of the computer typing away. It looks like so much fun, I’d try it, but…
I know, Wookie…. I know…………
Oliver and Wookie——-

That’s our advice for the day. We are two happy dogs that love being part of the Winterpast Pack. Remember — Spay, Neuter, and Adopt if you can!!!!
Dogs Rule!!

More tomorrow.