Charmed by the Mail

Needing to right a wrong, I must share details about the new reading material I’m enjoying. The Flower Letters. Something adorable that just might make receiving mail enjoyable once again. But then, let me start at the beginning.

In the last few months, I’d seen advertisements for a new product for avid readers. A story that would travel twice monthly through snail mail to your door. Offered are four different stories told through 24 letters. There’s the choice of a western adventure, a World War II affair, a Regency romance, or a fantastical story.

Twice a month, the letters arrive, written in the dialect of the day and including mini-history lessons. If you don’t know me well enough yet, this desert gal chose the western adventure.

When the first letter arrived, I was amused at the clever nature of the letter. The stationary was adorable. Along with the letter written in delicate cursive, there was a postcard and some other materials to read. The story begins with words from one hopeful mail-order bride named Lily Clara. I’ll admit, it was hard to wait for the next letter.

And then……..


The second letter didn’t even begin to connect with the first. I was sure I was losing my ever-loving mind and wrote to the company to end my subscription. The sweetest woman wrote back, encouraging me to try Letters 3 and 4 on them. She assured me that with two more letters, the story would begin to gel. She hoped I’d give it a try, and so I did.

OY. VEY. Egg on my face for sure. She was so right.

In each letter, there’s so much to think about with many hidden details to uncover. As a bonus, additional information is provided on the company website bringing the Wild West to life. I’m now hooked. My heroine, Lily Clara, is a 28-year-old adventurous and gutsy milliner. Not to give too much away, there’s even an embroidery pattern included in one of the letters.

In just the first four letters, many characters have been introduced, I’ve started a little flow chart to remember everyone. A double-sided newspaper included with Letter 4 holds so many clues, I’ve reread the other letters to make sure nothing else was missed.

Lily Clara’s vocabulary is rich, right out of the days of the Wild Wild West. By the time I finished Letter 4, I was quick to look at the calendar to find out when the next letters will arrive. Lily’s letters are sent out on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month.

If you haven’t heard of this adorable product, look it up. This is a cute and fresh way to deliver a story. Snail mail has again become relevant! Remember, be patient. Try not to bother the sweet people at The Flower Letters. com until you give it a real try.

To the sweet woman at The Flower, thank you for encouraging me to try two more letters. You were correct. Somethings just take a minute to gel, especially when sent one letter at a time.

Whatever you do today, consider reading something new. Anything. Try a different genre. A new author. An unfamiliar setting or time frame. Reading transports a person into another world when it’s nice to take a break from this one.

More tomorrow.