Back-Pack Angel

Last week, it was time for an eastward drive to do bit of shopping. Lately, the clothing found at Amazon hasn’t worked. Either the sizing isn’t true or the fabric is wrong. With four purchases I found four returns and decided the old fashioned way works the best.

Just 30 minutes away, a new store opened last fall. TJ Max! In a normal sized town, this would be one of many options from which to shop. When living in the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada, this might as well be Neiman Marcus. Having lived far from city life throughout my entire life, I’m used to “going to town” to shop, so off I went.

Indeed, I found exactly what I was looking for. Along with the clothing, there were some adorable baby items for an upcoming shower. The only downside to this little store is the lengthy wait in the check-out line. Of course, the store has this figured out, placing lots of small items on the shelves leading up to checkout.

A gentleman stood just ahead of me. He was explaining his purchase to the customer between us. Appearing to be an older, single man, he’d already purchased 80 backpacks for the children in his town. In his arms, he cuddled another twelve. Nearly 100 children would benefit from his generosity. A true Random Act of Kindness.

Listening to him talk, I remembered my time in the classroom. It was important to me that children in my classroom were provided for everything they needed. One would think this would come from the school. Think again.

Each year, teachers all over our country head out to Walmart to buy all the things missing in their school’s supply cabinet. In my last school, there weren’t even pencils available the week before school. Of course, being a veteran teacher, this came as no surprise. Administration sent out a lengthy supply list for young parents to purchase for their children.

Add to that list clothing, shoes, fresh haircuts, lunch materials, and the parents already have enough on their plates. The supplies would always be last on that list. Many times, the kids come with nothing. If you teach, you already know that. Just part of the job.

As it turned out, this gentleman had already been to Walmart, buying supplies for each of the twelve backpacks. The best part of the entire situation was that he was enjoying himself as much as the kids would when opening his gift.

This year is tough for everyone. If you happen to be thinking about something kind to do, consider donating to your local school. Yes, we already do with school taxes. That much is true. However, all over the country, there are supply closets that are empty. There are new teachers wondering where they’ll find the pencils they need. Parents deciding on groceries or school supplies.

If you aren’t sure of specific needs, call your school secretary. She will know exactly how you can help.

More tomorrow.