Disappearing Act

In heaven, when blogging, it won’t be necessary to depend on a computer. In perfection, there’ll exist an endless stream of fascinating words, with no need to type them on a keyboard. While envisioning a blog site, it will appear complete with lots of music and pictures. What bliss for a creative writer.

There’ll be no frantic morning search for a topic, silly errors, or mistyped words. Just perfect grammar and delightful blogs on a variety of topics, all enchanting and informative.

Real life is far from that dream. In fact, some mornings, the computer turns the day upside down. This isn’t a unique problem, but common to many approaching 70. The problems have changed over the years, but the newest is something unexplainable.

Early on in my writing adventure, it was suggested that pictures be added to each daily post. At the time, adding pictures was a step too far for a new widow deep in her own fog. Someday, when I’m bed ridden and on deaths doorstep, those posts may get some attention. With almost four years of material, it’ll be a sizeable job to go back and populate everything with stock images.

Images glue the story together, and choosing the correct ones is almost as much fun as writing. Even better if the perfect song comes to mind. But, there is a fly in this ointment.

Writing is magical at any time, day or night, but comes easiest at 1:00 pm. With house and garden work finished, there is always a little window of quiet in the early afternoon. After finishing the written work, stock images from Googles are inserted into the piece. There are pictures of everything, even Bread and Butter pickles and bierocks.

Would personal pictures work? Sure. However, this increases the frustration of transferring them from phone to this site. Not good. A Google search works much better.

In the last few weeks, the pictures will remain visible from 10 minutes to 10 hours and then, POOF, they disappear. If I haven’t returned to the blog, I have no idea of the change. There’ll be a cryptic message instead of the intended pic.

Wonderful readers, if this happens, you can do one of two things. You can email me with this information, or just let it go, knowing a beautiful picture was erased by the Gods of the Cyber Clouds.

Whatever you do today, check on gardens and projects once in awhile. Cucumber plants can be decimated by a hungry little dog. Carefully selected pictures can disappear in the blink of an eye. Life. If it’s not one thing is another. Just the way it is traveling west.

More tomorrow.