Choose Today to Begin!

Celebrated each year on July 26, National All or Nothing Day allows people to throw caution to the wind and go for broke. Everyone holds unfulfilled dreams, unmade decisions, or uncompleted plans. On this day, people break free of everything holding them back and Go For Broke!!!

In 2020, I’d never blogged a day in my life. With so much to share, I decided I was ready to publish my thoughts. On one autumn afternoon, I created Grieving Gardener, posting my first blog on September 24. Since then, I’ve never looked back.

Is there room for improvement? Of course. Is every word spelled correctly, or every bit of grammar correct? Nope. But, this much is true. I’ve found the words I’d lost for so long. As each month passes, my writing has improved. I’ll continue to write for the rest of my life. It all started with that first blog so long ago.

Everyone has at least one obstacle they’d like to conquer or overcome. It may be that fear or hesitancy is holding you back. So make today YOUR September 24. Make a plan, take a first step and move towards it.

Whether you make a public announcement, apply for the job you’ve been eying, or mend a fence, sometimes we need to take a different path. While other days on the calendar don’t urge us to make a decision or change, this one does.


1.Define your goal.

2. Write down the first three steps to move toward that goal.

3. Enlist help from a friend or family member to encourage you. You can even choose a challenge you can do together.

4. Get out there and tackle it!

Some of the biggest changes in our lives start with small steps. Often they are gut-wrenching decisions because we rarely know whether the outcome will be successful. But how will we ever grow if we don’t keeping reaching for those dreams?

Whatever you do today, make a decision. Make a plan. Inform others of your goal. Most importantly, Go For Your Dreams!!!

Have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back Monday.