There is just something fun about going to the dump. From the time I was a child, there was something mysterious about hauling away discards and taking them to a large field where they would be thrown off the truck. There, the ever-present Jawa’s rummaged through mountains of trash, looking for discarded treasures.

Worried that I was a little strange in remember trips to the dump with fondness, I asked HHH what his thoughts were on the subject. As a child, he also liked going. There were always interesting take-aways from the adventure. His dump even had a dead animal pile which does sound like something to see in a country kid kind of way.
These days, going to the Transfer Station is not nearly the adventure it could be. The inspector at the gate will let you know if you’ll be allowed to pass through with your discards. Then, you’ll be given the number of a lane and expected to quickly dump and go. Of course, at the Transfer Station, all items will be sorted and resold as scrap. Such is the way of garbage these days.

We had done our best to pack HHH’s work truck with everything that needed to go. There was a functional tool chest that no longer functioned well in the Man Cave. Along with that, there were other heavy items that were no longer things we would need or want ever again. With every bit of energy HHH could muster, all things were loaded into the truck and we were off.
When we arrived, the old generator was checked for oil and gas, both of which had been drained. It would go on the metal pile after we disposed of the other things in the large barn that kept everything from blowing all over town. We had our orders and proceeded to Lane 4.
It was then two men unloading in Lane 2 came to pay us a visit. Would we mind if they took the generator? Did it work?
Yes to both questions. Off it went.
Would we mind if they took the huge tool chest?
Yes again.
Then the other big items went sideways instead of into the large dump pit. Our entire load went home with the men of Lane Two. Just like that, one man’s trash was another’s treasure. HHH didn’t even need to strain his back another second while the items magically disappeared from our possession.

The Man Cave is a thing of beauty, all of the treasures in place. With barn door curtains installed and a little more sweeping, it’s ready for summer parties. For everything there is a time and place!! Even a 15′ Marlin.
Whatever you do today, purge a little. I use the 1/10 rule. For every 10 thing that sit around the rooms in our home, at least one could go. It gets easier each time.
As for us, it’s the beginning of day three as kennel masters. Land mines are multiplying. The puppies only woke us once last night. We’re making headway on that. Maybe today I’ll float around in the pool a little bit. Sure looks inviting!
More tomorrow.