As the days continue to lengthen, my Hubba-Hubba-Hubby and I spend more and more time in the sun. From early morning until dusk, we are micro managing the gardens. HHH never forgets his big straw hat. I’m lucky to remember sunglasses with UV protection. At this point, there is a strong resemblance to a plump raccoon.

Being children of the 1900’s, there was no such thing as Sun Screen when we were growing up. In fact, quite the opposite. Although neither of us grew up coastal children, we both enjoyed tanning in the summer. On hot summer days I’d slather on the baby oil and and sunbathe while listening to my transistor radio. 150 miles from any coastline, the Beach Boys would remind me that California Girls were something special.

Once a grown woman, tanning was limited while teaching full time and farming on the side. On many trips to Hawaii, I was accompanied by the farmer who sported the tan pictured above. We’d just laugh it off and go on our merry way.
Before I became a wife, last October, I decided to step up my game. It would please my new husband if I would manicure these large Germanic hands. Such a small thing, I decided it was time to have nice nails, especially while wearing such a beautiful symbol of our love.
My wedding ring was created with gardening in mind. We both asked the jeweler to make it failsafe, although that seemed silly in September. Gardening season was almost over. There’d be a wedding, honeymoon, travel, and then, winter. For 8 months, I’ve faithfully attended to my nails.
Then, my toes needed some touch up for the spring cruise making it necessary to book more appointments. Pampered relaxation is lovely, but also time consuming when there are so many fun things to do in the garden.
Spring came and gardening began in earnest. Since March, my farmer’s feet have become an embarrassment. It’s too late to turn back now. Although none of these are mine, all of them could be. My legs are that dark while my feet remain that white.

The picture explains perfectly why there is no need to continue with a pedicure. I only wish the picture would explain how to fix the mess before our upcoming cruise on the love boat. I’ve been googling the problem and found exfoliation might help a bit.
Along with the ghostly-white feet, I’m also experiencing the problem of Gardener’s hands. While my wedding ring has stayed in one piece, sunshine, tilling the soil, and constant watering have taken their toil on my skin. So far, there hasn’t been a hand lotion strong enough to combat Gardener’s hands. HHH’s are even worse, but then, he’s a guy.
Farmer’s tans are no joke. Wearing t-shirts and shorts every single day leaves a wide swath of very white skin somewhere in the middle. All of this needs to blend, and soon.
As you begin your own gardening adventures this summer, perhaps sun screen wouldn’t be a bad idea. HHH and I are so proud of the beautiful tans we have, we’ll forego the lotions for now. At least we’re a matched set.

As the sunny days intensify, remember to check on your pets. Little white dogs like Oliver are prone to sunburn. Be sure your pets have plenty of shade and cool clean water to drink. Heat stroke in pets and humans can be deadly. If the cement is too hot for you to walk barefoot, it’s hot for pets, too.
If you have any suggestions for severe farmer’s tan or gardener’s hands, please drop us a line. HHH and I would love to hear your suggestions. Until then, Happy Gardening!
More tomorrow.