Growing a beautiful garden has consumed our every waking hour here at Winterpast. As the spring days are winding to an end, HHH and I have found many ways to make the gardens more beautiful. In the light of day, the roses are blooming in stunning colors. The choke-cherry tree has changed from green to rust, as it does every year. Colorful birds are bathing in the new fountain.
It’s at night that Winterpast turns into a magical fairyland. In the 1900’s, such a transformation would have required trenching, electrical plumbing, and extra breakers. In 2024, solar power has made things so much easier.

Last year, I found my first set of solar lights at our local Grocery Outlet. Little hanging light bulbs now adorn most of our trees. With a soft yellow glow, they accent the height of the trees. Uplighting was necessary to show off their trunks. The local hardware store offers solar lighting with an adjustable power bank attached to the light and stake.
Even Dollar Tree offers solar lighting. At $1.25, small staked solar lights can be crafted into many projects. Just Google “Projects with Dollar Tree Solar Lighting” to see amazing uses for these cute little lights.

Into our second year of ambient lighting, I’ve learned to choose lighting with a soft yellowish cast, as opposed to very bright lighting with a whitish-blue cast. The softer the lighting, the more romantic a look for the yard.
When re-using solar lighting, remember to change the batteries once a year. Not until a knowledgeable repair man shared this did I learn solar lighting had batteries. The main thing to remember is to replace them with the same kind of rechargeable batteries.

Along with decorative lighting, our fountains now run powered by the sun. Replacing electric pumps with solar ones is as easy as going to Amazon. There are all sizes of solar pumps available, some with battery backup. These pumps allow gardeners to place fountains throughout the garden without unsightly wires. Truly ingenious little creations.
With water fountains and evening lighting, Winterpast continues to grow into the showpiece she was always meant to be. Every evening, HHH and I marvel at nature’s beauty. With birds, bees, butterflies, and two honeymooners adding to the magic, we are blessed to call this little slice of heaven home.
More on Monday.