After spending too much time listening to the current news from New York City, it’s refreshing to unplug and drive west across the desert. Every eight weeks, Oliver goes to see his friend Sam who handles his grooming needs.
Oliver has known Sam since he was four months old. After years of suffering through his craziness, she now looks forward to their time together. How she gets him to stand still for a shave is beyond me, but she does. Oliver enjoys having the run of the place, meeting all kinds of new friends.

Driving 40 minutes across the desert on the loneliest highway in the world is a treat. It reminds me how lucky I am to live in such a vast and gorgeous place. I wonder how those New Yorker’s would ever survive in the wild, wild west. They’d most likely die outside their concrete jungle just as I wouldn’t survive if transplanted there. Just the thought of life without an endless cobalt blue sky and puffy white clouds is a sad one.
Every trip west is different. On the bigger highway, we travel along the Truckee River. Now in the midst of the spring run off, the river is full. Reflecting the brilliant sky and bordered by fresh green cottonwood trees, it’s a lovely sight to behold. The problem with that route involves heavy traffic. Not much time to enjoy the sights unless your lucky enough to be the passenger.

The southern route travels right into the capital of Nevada. HHH and I were discussing this just the other day. With most of the population centered in Las Vegas, one would assume it’s the capital. Wrong-o. This causes dismay during major elections when the vote of a major city overrules the inhabitants of all rural areas combined.
In Nevada, law-makers meet every odd year limiting legislative nonsense. Heaven knows Americans could all live with a few less rules and regs. It works nicely here in the Wild, Wild West.

While Oliver got pampered, I visited the nicest grocery store in the area. Our town has a population of almost 25,000 people, not big enough to have a REAL grocery store. Just a Walmart and a Raley’s, both marginal. To walk through aisle after aisle of real bargains, I took time to enjoy the lower prices and fully stocked shelves.
Of course, a day wouldn’t be complete without buying a plant or three. White chrysanthemums advertised as a Memorial Day special — 2 for $10.
After suffering through high prices at our local hardware store, I knew I needed three to complete my dream of a moon garden. These gardens are full of white flowers that look lovely by moonlight.

As it turns out, the mums were discounted 3/$10. The deal of the day and more plants for Winterpast.
Soon, by text I learned that Sir Oliver was waiting for his ride home. As always, he’s soft and cuddly after grooming. He always wears the best cologne and this time, came home with a patriotic bow tie. All dressed up and still waiting for Wookie, he’ll need to settle for HHH and me a little while longer.
Whatever you do today, consider taking a drive. Get out in the fresh air and be grateful to be a part of such a beautiful world. It’s a great day to be alive!

More tomorrow.