When you are lucky enough to have gardens like the ones here at Winterpast, then, you are lucky enough to have a place for a garden party. June is the perfect month to share the beauty HHH and I have created with family and friends. I need to throw a real girly-girl garden party!
The roses are in full bloom and the seedlings are maturing. Solar lighting adorns all the trees, turning the back yard into something of a fairy land. The fountains are tinkling away as the sun shines powered by individual solar pumps. It’s a magical place that we enjoy every day.

At this writing, with brute strength and pick ax, HHH has planted at least 31 plants of all kinds. From roses named Serenity, Bliss and Mr. Lincoln, to a vegetable garden producing tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, and cantaloupe, we’ll be producing food and flowers for the community this year.

My seedlings, (with whom I conversed every day during the late winter), are going crazy. The Black-Eyed Susan’s are ready to bloom. The alyssum are adorable with their tiny little purple and white flowers. The marigolds survived the frosts. Everything we’ve planted has decided to take off and thrive. Our bees are enjoying the yard as much as us.

I haven’t decided if I’ll ask everyone to wear hats or not. Probably no gloves unless someone wants to help me do a little weeding. At 4:00pm, on an evening in early June, ladies from all over town will come to Winterpast for a party. At least, that’s the plan.

Sometimes, girls just want to have a little fun. HHH will need to find something else to do that evening. Maybe some night fishing or a little Glo-Golf. This is a full blown, Girls-Only party. Heck, we might even enjoy a pot of tea together, who knows.
When I think about April 23, 2020, my mind goes back to the lonely woman that moved into a house without a name. Over the days, weeks, months and years, this woman named her beautiful home Winterpast. She hired a sweet gardener named Mr. B to help do the heavy lifting. She grieved while writing and wrote while grieving. All the time, the garden helped her heal and time went on. Many days it was a tough decision to CHOOSE HAPPY. She slowly turned into the me of what’s happening now.

Now, beginning the fifth summer here at Winterpast, (11th as a Nevadan), life has changed. Making the list for my party, there weren’t just 1 or 2 names on the list, but almost 30. Thirty Ride-or-Die friends that I can count on when things go a little south. And, we all know things have a way of doing that from time to time. It’s called LIFE.
I’m planning to decorate while the hot tub bubbles in the background. There’ll be snacks, dinner and some kind of yummy dessert. I plan to let each and every one of these wonderful women how special they are to me and how much richer I am for knowing them.
If you’re reading, Miss Carson City, know an invitation will soon arrive. Miss Fire Cracker and Jackie, get well! I need you here!! Ninja Neighbor, you must come. It wouldn’t be a party without you. Now, if only Auntie TJ and the Goddess of the Central Coast were closer, the party would be complete.

In the next two weeks, I plan to look at every possible idea for this Garden Party. We already have the theme song. Everything else will fall into place.
Whatever you do today, remember something very important from the words of this song.
“You can’t please everyone, so you’ve got to please yourself.”
More tomorrow.