To all of our veterans
Far and near.
We thank you for your service
For all those years.
You sacrificed your time,
And some gave your life.
You preserved our freedom
By willingly paying the price.
Many of you
Were sent overseas.
You were wounded in battle,
With scars and disease.
But courageous and brave,
You weathered the storm.
You faced every battle
With faith and beyond.
We honor you with joy
For all that you’ve done.
You stood strong for our country,
For our daughters and sons.
So no one stands alone,
We walk hand in hand.
Remember, we are with you.
Together we shall stand.
We salute you today.
Hear what we say.
Let our words speak eloquently
In this special way.
On this day,
Let us express our love and thanks
For the sacrifice you paid.
You served in honor
For many years and days,
And we will never forget
How you were strong and brave.

Thank you to all of you that gave of your life to protect our great country. Thank you for your bravery and willingness to travel around the world while watching over us. You went on your way, bravely serving weeks, months, and years away from home. Some never made it back.
I’m proud to be the mom of two Air Force Veteran’s that fought to protect us after 9-11. After the attack on our country, they didn’t question, but recognized a patriotic duty to serve. My sons gave half their lives in service. I’m so proud to be their mom.

To HHH, I’ll never forget you started out as MM, My Mysterious Marine. Thank you for serving during the Vietnam War when signing up to serve wasn’t so fashionable. You will forever be My Mysterious Marine. I’m so proud to be the cherished wife of a United States Marine.

Too all the moms and dads of service men and women, you deserve a debt of gratitude from our nation. You stood by as your children grew up into fine young men and women, and then, let them go as they chose to serve. Only parents of military personnel know what that’s like. Thank you for your sacrifice for the greater good of our country.
Don’t waste this Memorial Day. Look for ways that you can show you remember. If you have a flag pole, fly a flag. If there are services in your area on Monday, attend. Be visible. Thank a Veteran. Without them, our beautiful country would be quite different.
Most importantly, REMEMBER. Remember the bravery. Remember the love of country. Remember the sacrifices. REMEMBER.
I’ll be back on Tuesday. Have a wonderful holiday.