Life with the Wookies is changing every day. They’re a vocal bunch, always humming away whether eating or sleeping. Sometimes it sounds a bit like whining, and others like a bit of singing. You always know if something isn’t quite right. Then, they squeal like the house is on fire until they’re happy again.
These littles will be going to the very best homes, so they need to start photographing early. These days, people find everything on the internet. Even adorable puppies. Many of the earlier Wooklets have their own Instagram followers, living life large on Ventura Beach California. Yes. Only in California are dogs internet influencers.
While HHH gardening yesterday, I decided to try my hand at puppy photography. It did help that they’d just finished eating and were a bit sleepy. Before I even started, I had a theme in mind. Gardeners. Little Gardeners. I found the smallest pots and tiny tools that I could find. Of course, they all needed washing.

Advised to photograph pups on something white, we scurried off to Walmart to find a blanket. Better than that was a fuzzy white bath math marked down to $.25! How lucky was that???

Avoid all shadows when professionally photographing anything. With care, I set up overhead lighting and prepared the white bath mat. On the mat, I placed a galvanized pot of my favorite Johnny-Jump-Ups (one of the few plants that wasn’t grown from seed this year). Two empty pots completed the gardening scene. I was ready for my first victim. I mean puppy.
Well, this puppy was not having the pots, or the bath mat, or mom’s absence. She squealed in distress until Wookie came to the rescue. Nope. I wouldn’t be starting with that one. Angry as a little hornet, she was returned to her nest.
Off to the side, one slept soundly. And so, the process began. The secret is to swaddle the pup with your hand until they go back to sleep. With one deep breath, she was off to dream land and I could position her in which ever way I wanted.

I’m not sure that I got them all photographed, as there were some minor hiccups along the way. Nobody was happy about being placed in a plant pot, so that cute idea went out the window. What I did find was a tiny little basket that served as a puppy bed. Once cuddled inside that, they were out.
Now, I have twelve absolutely great pics locked inside my phone. No matter what I try, they will not transfer to my computer. My second best plan was to share them all with you. Unfortunately, they aren’t shareable with anyone right now. Being a better writer than puppy photographer, it’s back to the drawing board for me.

At this writing, they are screaming again, hoping that mom will come in from the garden. They rarely stop eating and are growing like the weeds of Winterpast. HHH and I marvel at their ability to cry and eat at the same time. These are a healthy little crew of Wooklets.
Tomorrow, they’ll be one week old. How fast they’ve grown and changed already. In a few days, it’ll be time for them to head for California. Until then, I’m off to figure out another theme for their next photo shoot.

More tomorrow.