Things at Winterpast have certainly changed since last Friday at 10:30 AM. In a matter of two hours, six little wooklets entered our world and stole our heart. Just like that.
As I wrote on Friday, I was thinking of everything I needed to pack Oliver for his trip to Puppy Camp. The right amount of food for his stay. Plenty of treats. A Greenie for each day to keep his teeth nice and clean. Everything was together for our 45 mile trip to the west.

At the last minute, HHH and I decided that I would drive Oliver and he would stay back with Wookie just in case she went into labor. Earlier in the week, HHH had discovered a hole under one of our larger plants. He mentioned that perhaps it was Oliver’s handiwork.
There’s one problem with that thinking. Oliver doesn’t dig to looking for a nice cool place to rest. If it’s warm outside, he runs for the air-conditioned house. He does like to dig in the middle of any garden path, but not under plants. Not his style. After looking back on the situation, Wookie was planning the perfect whelping area. Outside under the plants.

Friday morning, she was in and out of the house several times. Sometimes she would disappear behind the greenhouse. Very active and nervous after being rather sedentary, it was obvious that something was off.
So, Oliver and I sat off for party time. He was jumping at the door to go see his favorite Camp Counselor, Michelle. I only need to mention her name and he goes into a frenzy. He loves the kennel and never even looks back. With swimming and lots of friends with whom to play, he loves his time there. Heck, I might be missing a get vacation.

As I mentioned before, it’s not a wise idea to have a male dog around brand new puppies. Although we both think Wookie would take care defending her babies, accidents happen. If there were any accident, it wouldn’t be Oliver’s fault, but ours as his humans.
I would’ve left a little earlier, but at the last minute HHH offered to cook breakfast for me. Not being able to turn that down, we left right after our meal. I drove straight to the kennel and back, talking to CC a bit as I drove. I did miss a call from HHH just as I entered the garage. When I opened the door, he greeted me with the great news.
“Wookie has a puppy! She’s having another now.”

The timing was crazy. Wookie’s puppies weren’t due until next week. Never did we expect the very day Oliver left, I’d pull into the garage to witness the birth of the pups. The timing couldn’t have been better.
Again, on top of our bed, Wookie gave birth to the five pups the vet predicted and then gave us a bonus pup for good luck. The first two were blonde boys. Then, bit of chocolate followed by a lump of coal, both girls. Finally, 2 more Barbie-Blonde girls to finish off the bunch. And, no mistake. They are loud if unhappy.

It’s been a weekend with little sleep. HHH and I have divided up puppy duty, managing to get up six times a night between the two of us. Tiny pups can get rolled up in bedding lost behind mom. This little bunch screams when they aren’t happy. No one could sleep through the noise they make when they’re not happy.
Since then, they’re doing everything newborn pups do. What a blessing to hear their little squeaks as they dream their little puppy dreams. We are having fun just watching Wookie take care of the bunch.
Our fun will be short lived. We’ll have the pups a few more days and then we’ll return them to California. There, Wookie can watch over them while enjoying the beautiful springtime weather. Oliver will be happy to return home, never knowing he really wasn’t the father of the bunch.
Whatever you do today, enjoy springtime. There is so much life exploding all around us. It’s a gorgeous time to be alive, especially for us new dog-grand-mamas and papas.
More tomorrow.