Our Garden Gnomes seem to be entitled and a wee bit lazy. When HHH moved in, he promised that his six little friends were to help us throughout the night, making our garden chores decrease. Maybe they just don’t see the weeds I see. Whatever the reason, the work increases every day.
Life can get complicated at times, especially when multiple gardens are involved. Winterpast provides a full time job for HHH and I. Between transplanting the Iris’s and planting new purchases, HHH is working on toning his upper body. I am working on other muscle groups by getting up and down while planting my littles. We are in the garden at least four hours a day, and sometimes more.
Weeds continue to plague the area. Yesterday, it was a lovely surprise to see the city utility truck burning noxious weeds out of our drainage ditches. Living in the desert, flash floods are a real danger. Each home in our neighborhood sits behind a continuous drainage ditch. Although I’ve never seen them do this before, the city was burning the weeds in the ditches with flame-throwing fire wands. Pretty impressive. Thank goodness I hadn’t just wasted a day weeding ours.
Aside from all that, HHH and I are also the “hired hands” for the rental on St Louis Road. Each week, time is set aside to visit the rental to mow and weed. Luckily, HHH had his house in great shape, so this doesn’t take more than an hour or two. But, each week, we need to pencil in time.
With Mother’s Day so close, Miss B has been a little down. Her yard used to be the most beautiful on the block, but at 86, gardening isn’t something she can do anymore. It saddens me that the day I can no longer garden will come soon enough. No one can remain a sexagenarian forever. It makes me want to garden even more while I can.
The last time we visited her, (with blinds closed), she shared her one wish. A beautiful weed-free yard.
Well, what do you do when your 86 year old mom wants a weed free yard??? You figure out how to make it happen.

One year ago, just before Bible study, I sat alone on a bench waiting for the other women to arrive. A man pulled up in a weathered pickup truck to ask if I had any work for him. His name was Artemio. Such a nice man, he gave me two business cards while I promised him that if I had work, I’d give him a call.

Well, Oliver ate one of the cards before I grabbed the other and put it in my top desk drawer. I’d seen it from time to time over the last year and wished that I could hire him. But, HHH and I were caring for everything at that time.
Yesterday, I found the card and HHH called him. As it turns out, Artemio would LOVE some work and will meet HHH at Miss B’s tomorrow. Not a moment too soon, as Mother’s Day is just around the corner. What a blessing this “Garden Angel” is available to help!!! Miss B will enjoy her gorgeous yard again this summer.
Now, HHH have three landscaping accounts. Maybe we should start a new business….
Whatever you do today, honor your mom in some way. It’s not to early. If you are lucky enough to have a mom on earth, do something nice for her today. If your mom is on the heaven side of things, think of fond memories and consider putting together a memorial garden. Mom’s. They need all the pampering we can give them.
Have a lovely weekend. I’ll be back Monday.
PS — Pretty sure I’ll have a info on the Wooklets by then!!!! Who knows, I might need to make a surprise post this weekend!!