Not quite yet, but very, very soon the pitter patter of little paws will be upon us. With an expanding waistline, Wookie has entered her last week of pregnancy. This has been very hard on her, and will be her last littler. This summer, she’ll take a little trip to the vet and be done with motherhood forever.
As so many do, HHH has a breeding agreement with a close family member regarding Wookie. After meeting her motherly obligation, she will now be our very own family dog. That’s a wonderful thing, as I don’t know that Wookie, HHH, or could handle the thought of future litters.
Puppies are a wonderful thing to experience. Puppy breath is intoxicating. Their little noises are endearing. For the first few weeks of life, Wookie will do all the work. From cleaning up after the pups in every way, to feeding them until their little bellies look like they’ll pop, she’ll do it all. And then, around four weeks, she’ll begin to grow weary of the littles.
Last year, HHH and I kept the littles until they were four weeks old. By then, I had fallen in love with “Tiger” and Miss B (HHH’s mom) had fallen in love with “Bingo”. There weren’t many times when the puppies were left in the spare room where Wookie tended them. One or two were always out and on a human lap, enjoying cuddle time.
The heavier lifting comes after four weeks, when teething begins. From what I hear, “Tiger”, “Bingo” and the crew did a number on some base-boards in California. Just part of the deal when puppies are involved.

Wookie is a funny dog. She smiles with purpose. When something is really funny, she smiles so big she sneezes. She gets her feelings hurt very easily and quickly learned the “No’s” around Winterpast. She’s the best mother dog I’ve ever been around and seems to enjoy her time with the pups.
These days, she can’t eat big meals. She likes to snack and lounge. Yesterday was the first day HHH and I felt the littles as they kicked in her belly. Poor Wookie. It won’t be much longer.
After the wooklets are here, we’ll love them up and then take them across the Sierra’s to California where they will learn to see, walk, bark, and find their forever homes. Time goes so fast so we’ll need to enjoy every moment of our time with them.
As for Oliver, please don’t mention to him that he’s not the dad. He’s sure he is. To hide this fact from him when there’s no dachshund in the bunch, he’ll be off at puppy camp. All kidding aside, it can be dangerous to have a male dog near a litter of puppies. Seeing how he handles toads and small birds, I’m not taking any chances with the wooklets. He’ll have a great time at camp, while we tend to new puppies.

Spring is jumping up all around us. The mustangs are showing off their new foal. And, as you already know, the garden is doing fine. Yesterday, HHH planted large and small pumpkins, and watermelon. Last night, we shared homemade vanilla ice cream and our home-grown strawberries with chocolate syrup. Life doesn’t get any better than that.
Whatever you do today, hug your dog or cat. They’re so important in our lives, giving us attention when we need it. They provide entertainment and unconditional love without asking for anything in return. Winterpast wouldn’t be the same without Wookie and Ollie.

More tomorrow.