Thinking of those we love is a daily occurrence around Winterpast. With a large group of friends and family, it seems that someone is always in need of kindness and prayer. Covid over here, death of a pet over there. Each day presents its own amount of celebration and sadness.
To our delight, people in our church also spend time thinking of members with kindness and prayer. We were the lucky recipients of the beautiful card above. Alone in 2020, life has changed so much for me. No longer alone, we meet family and friends all over town. We are truly blessed.
Into our seventh month of married life, things have been going exceedingly well!! The garden continues to be a brutal task master. Saturday, HHH built two more garden boxes. Once complete, it was necessary to buy 22 bags of soil to fill them. We ended up with a little extra, but then, gardeners with hundreds of seedlings can always new soil.
Any visit to the garden center presents at least one plant you can’t live without. For HHH and I, it’s worse than going to the local animal shelter. Saturday, a lovely Lilac jumped on our cart with the soil. And so, the gardens of Winterpast become more lovely every day. So obsessed with gardening are we that HHH dreamed that we lost the lilac in some unknown way. This morning, it awaits its spot next to the little garden table by the fence.

My new weed whip arrived. There’s something special about owning the right tools for the job. Back in the 1900’s, I remember having many discussions about the inefficiencies of having “lady” tools on a working ranch. In reality, the only inefficiency is that this lady won’t ever use a heavy and burdensome weed whip. Not happening.
I had the perfect 10″ whip for the longest time. A Black and Decker, it was sleek and lightweight. Growing up, my mother said about a German neighbor, “The weeds are afraid to grow in her yard.” In reality, her German husband kept the yard sprayed. Back then, farm chemicals worked. These days, a weed whip is a necessity.

Last winter, I hired a company to sterilize the parts of the front yard that needed sterilization. I was happy to write a hefty check when the job was complete. During snowy weather, weeds don’t grow. I patiently waited for spring to enjoy my weed-free yard. Today, I have more weeds than ever before. Facing a front yard full of weeds, a beautiful “Thinking of You” card isn’t what comes to mind. Just sayin’.
Saturday, I inserted a battery from my dead whip and went for a spin. Sharp. Strong. Light. Efficient. I couldn’t be happier with my new tool. Weeds beware. Be afraid to grow in MY yard. In case you’re looking for one, try the Black and Decker 10″ version.

In other news, Miss Firecracker hit a rough patch this weekend. With quite a health scare, she is back at home, healing. It’s times like these when healing prayers are appreciated and needed.
Miss Firecracker and I met in 2017 and were besties at the first “Hello”. She fits her name in spunk and wittiness. She was the friend that convinced me this little town was a perfect fit as it just so happened she lived here, too. She and her husband shared a darling house for over a decade, even witnessing the great flood of 2008.
Shortly after I moved here as a new widow, she lost her beloved husband. Here we were, two grieving widows. For months, we shared dinners and visits. Our first widowed Thanksgiving was at my dining room table. She made life so much better for me just being herself. And then, she found it necessary to move back across the Sierra Nevada’s to be closer to her family.

What a loss and hole to be filled. Problem is, no one can quite fill it like she did. One amazing woman, the world needs her to heal.
Thinking of You, Miss Firecracker. Praying for a full and quick recovery. Your Nevadan bestie needs a visit. Hold on, we’re coming soon. Until then, feel better. Send you bushels of love and prayers.
The beautiful card pictured above arrived last week addressed to HHH and me. Not from one particular person, it was from our church family. Such a simple and sweet thing to send, just a beautiful card letting us know they love us, and hope things are going well. All honeymooners should be so lucky. (In case you haven’t got the idea yet, married life is amazing.)
Whatever you do today, don’t just take time to think of family and friends. Reach out to them. If you have an elderly friend that isn’t feeling the best, go visit them. Life is short. Make the most of the prayers and good thoughts you have to share.
More tomorrow.