Vacationing and illness have robbed me of an accurate sense of time. Hard to believe that in the dark days of January, I was tending little seedlings. Delighted, we watched how differently they emerged from tiny seed pods as the days slowly lengthened. Each variety possessed unique and beautiful characteristics all their own. Checking them at least three times a day, they thrived under four spidery Grow Lights. Other than adding the “Super Thrive” that came with the “Jiffy” Seedling systems, we did nothing but give them water and time to grow.

Before we left on our cruise, HHH brought out his magical “Wall of Waters”. These things turn weak little plants into the Greatest of All Time!!!!! We stuck our scrawny tomatoes and zucchini in the middle of the watery walled greenhouses atop new garden boxes. Then, we left on vacation. Returning to the garden eleven days later, we were astonished. Inside the watery walls grew beautiful vegetable plants on the verge of blooming.

Past the threat of frost, zucchini blossoms have turned into tiny vegetables, while tomato blossoms are right behind them. Out of 72 tomato seeds, we’ve grown ten amazing plants that are thriving in HHH’s garden boxes. We’re expecting a good canning season for our secret spaghetti sauce.
The beans, peas, carrots and onions are awaiting their time in the sun. Russets and red potatoes are happy as can be. The radishes thrive in the herb box where I can almost hear them say “Thank You” when I water.

The apricot trees have bloomed and are now supporting another bumper crop. Even though there was heavy frost after a wonderful pollination by the neighbor’s bees, the fruit remained unharmed. Plums are right behind them.
Our Wedding Apple from HHH’s mom is in full bloom. Being such a young tree, we’ll pick off all but three apples. One for each one of us. We want our tree to grow her roots deep, producing Granny Smith apples for decades to come.

The cherries are in full bloom, with lots of bee activity. I’ve never seen one cherry on any of these trees, so this year will be the test. Perhaps we’ve never experienced proper pollination.
As for all the seedlings so lovingly cared for, they are slowly going into the ground. The 4-O’Clocks are tucked between the 2023 Hosta plants which are returning for year two. The Black-Eyed Susan’s grow bigger by each day. Even the Siberian Wall Flowers are giving it their best. Jaguar Marigolds are starting to bloom.

Watching all of this, there is a certain couple that doesn’t miss a day being so very thankful for life as healthy gardening newlyweds.
Last night, HHH insisted that I brave the mosquitos and sit a bit to look at Winterpast in her solar-lit glory. Already PJ’d, I didn’t really want to return outside, having just spent most of the weekend working out there. But, if you are lucky enough to have someone that loves you so much he asks YOU to PLEASE join him in the garden at twilight, you are exceptionally lucky and better hop to it.
There, two of us sat watching the doves, robins and first hummingbird of the season. Marveling at the beauty God has given us, we enjoyed a conversation about gratefulness and the beauty of nature.
There in the twilight, I couldn’t help but remember the faith it took to name my home “Winterpast” when I was in the depths of despair as a new widow. I remembered the courage it took to believe that I could keep her gardens alive and the faith it took to remember that angels surrounded me while I grieved such complete and private loss. Across town, HHH found comfort in the same unwavering faith in God and angels.
Just like the seasons of this amazing world, for now our winter has passed. And so, I close with this beautiful passage from my favorite book.

My lover spoke and said to me,
“Arise my darling,
my beautiful one, and come with me.
See! The winter is past:
The rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
The season of singing has come.
The cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit:
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance,
Arise, come, my darling;
My beautiful one come with me.”
Song of Solomon 2: 10-13
More tomorrow.