Although there were few disappointments on our trip, there was one sad bit of news. No confetti allowed while sailing away. Confetti is not allowed by extremely grumpy, stiff-necked, environmental party poopers. On a glorious day on the bay, we were about to “Sail Away” on the Crown Princess, aka The Love Boat.
Of course, my personalized and essential technological medallion was defective. Didn’t matter!! Luggage would arrive hours after we did. Who cared?? Not us. Vacationing commenced. On the top deck, we sat front-row, pool-side, entertained by the professional dancers of Princess Cruise Lines.
It was surreal to be in the middle of a travel brochure moment after months of planning and waiting. It was all there, just as promised. The Salty Dog Grill was pumping out hamburgers and fries, the buffet was serving lunch, the bars were open, and everyone aboard was ready to sail away from trials and troubles.
Before our departure, there were a few housekeeping details to complete. The main safety requirement involved locating our Muster Station and watching the safety video in our stateroom. Done and done, we were ready to pull away from The Port of San Francisco, while cruising by Alcatraz and under the Bridge.

Watching a 19 story ship go under the bridge did seem a bit risky. The clearance between bridge and ship didn’t seem like very much as we sailed into late afternoon on the Pacific Ocean.

From there, we just settled into four days on the high seas. The first morning we awoke, there was a faint outline of land. I just know the Goddess of the Central Coast was having her bran muffin and coffee, while reading, “A Country Year– Living the Questions.” Or, perhaps she was already onto “A Book of Bees”. Both written by Sue Hubbell, on her recommendation, they are now on my bookshelf. We waved, hoping Auntie TJ and the Goddess knew it was us sailing by on a bright blue sea.
Day after glorious day, we did things we never thought possible. HHH zip-lined his way through the jungles of Puerto Vallarta, while bungie jumping when zip-lining wasn’t possible. Professional photographers got shots from every angle, allowing us to bring home adorable memories.

We had two formal nights for which we cleaned up really nice. We enjoyed gourmet meals and even watched “Top Gun” with the stars on top of the ship under warm comfy blankets as we steamed along. Although we needed continual directions on this 19 story ship, there was always someone in a uniform to help.
One of the best parts of the entire trip involved daily Bible Study with some of the nicest people on the ship. Cruising during Easter week, for eleven mornings we studied the Gospel of John. So beautiful to study the words of Jesus before he left this world to return to his father. Lifetime friendships formed during our time of study. As John so beautifully wrote in the last verse of his book, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”
The Bible is my favorite book, featuring such gifted authors and subject matter.
Cruising is for any and all types and ages of people. There were very young kids ripping up the pool and hot tub, and then there were older, more reserved honeymooners quietly enjoying the sunshine around the pool and hot tub. There was even an older gentleman cruising with his Medically Approved Service Dog. Every necessary adaptation was made so that all could enjoy a wonderful vacation.
One very special thing we learned is that at sunset over the Pacific, when the sun is just hitting the horizon, something amazing happens. A green flash. I haven’t researched the science, but HHH and I did see the green flash. So quick, if you blinked it would’ve been gone. This is something that must be seen once while standing hand in hand with your true love on a tenth balcony on The Love Boat.

It was all so great, we’re going again in November. And yes, we’ll return to The Love Boat.
Whatever you do this weekend, think of a place you’d like to visit and research a trip. If it’s not possible, take a virtual vacation on your computer, enjoying the highlights of your favorite spot. When a little land-locked here at Winterpast, I just hum the theme from “The Love Boat” and it all comes back! Have a wonderful vacation and I’ll meet you back here Monday Morning.