How often does one little trip to Walmart turn into an unnoticed testimony to kindness and faith? It happened today. How often are we racing from here to there doing this and that, when something so special might go missed? The following story happened yesterday and I’m still smiling. Read on.

There is a man that attends our church that doesn’t quite look like the rest of us. He doesn’t have a car, so his legs take him everywhere he wants to go. He doesn’t have new clothes, and would probably like the use of a washing machine once in awhile. He makes his bed under the stars in the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada. He is homeless.
Each Sunday, he comes to worship with us and has for about six months now. He brings his best friend who is the tiniest and cutest little scraggly dog I’ve met in some time. Weighing less than a can of soup, this little dog is adorable, well cared for, and friendly. The two are a good team.
For weeks now, I’ve been meaning to learn his name, but am embarrassed to admit that I don’t yet know it. I know all the names of my Harvest Sisters. I know the names of the minister and his wife. I know the names of past police and highway patrol men. I even know the name of the oldest woman in the church, but, I don’t know his. Of this, fact, I’m ashamed.
Anyway, on the first day of complete health for HHH and I since coming home from our cruise HHH and I were feeling happy adventurous. We decided to run around town to take care of errands. Needing 10 bags of dirt at the hardware store and a few bags of groceries at Walmart we dashed out with list in hand.

At any small town Walmart, it’s impossible to go enter the parking lot without seeing people you know. Our town isn’t any different. As we were parking, there was a young, adorable, shapely, belly-button pierced woman that could have done with a little more clothing. I quietly commented on the situation to HHH.
“Could she just dress before shopping?”
Unhelpful, unnecessary, simple minded, and down-right rude , I admit.

Anyway, we parked and were just ready to enter the store when we saw the young man I mentioned earlier. He and his little dog were waiting by the door, so HHH called out to him and we walked over to say “Hi”. By that time, the young woman had made her way to him and was questioning him about his adorable dog. Then the most beautiful thing happened.
“Hey, I’m on the verge of homelessness myself, but an angel just changed my situation. I have a little I can share,” she said. “Is there anything you need? I mean ANYTHING at all. A friend just helped me out of a real jam, and there’s a little extra to share. Can I help you in any way? Need dog food?”
“Thank you but we’re really good. I have a couple bags of food for him at our camp. But, what I really need is some shoes for a friend under the bridge. His feet are in a bad way. He needs a pair of shoes, either 8 1/2 or 9. That’s what I could really use.”

After we visited with him a little while, we followed the young lady inside. She turned to smile and ask again.
“Really, is there anything I could do for him? I’m so fortunate. I was looking at homelessness just like him in a few days. My situation has changed in a most wonderful way. I’d like to share my good fortune.”
“Well, he needs shoes for his friend. He said that’s what he really needs.”
Now, here is a man that, to most, would need a lot more than a pair of shoes for his friend. He sleeps under the stars on the high desert plains on very cold nights with his little furry friend. He has no permanent home. No family. No cushy neighborhood. His meals come as they may. And yet, his worry of the day was helping someone that had less than he. Less than almost nothing.
Later, walking past the shoe section, we ran into the pair at the shoe section. I overheard this angel telling him, “I bet he could also use some new socks, right? Come on, they’re over here.” They had just finished talking to two older gentlemen who were also commenting on the adorable pooch.

Just like that, this sweet woman was sharing her good fortune with someone else before doing her own shopping. This sweet young man was helping a soul under the bridge that needed it. Goodness swirling around an odd couple while everyone else in the store missed the beauty of the moment.
It made me stop and think about how the whole thing started. With a snarky comment from a wealthy old woman without really knowing the facts surrounding this beautiful young woman’s situation. My world would’ve much happier if I’d just considered that her situation might be a little different than mine. I might have gotten a little better feeling if I’d made a comment about the gorgeous sunshine-y smile on her face. She was bubbling with happiness on her happy Tuesday morning.

Whatever you do today, be mindful. Open your eyes to really see the very moment in which you find yourself. If something isn’t quite to your standard, bend your opinion to fit the situation. Say “Hello” to a stranger. Ask if there’s something you can do to help when things are tough for someone else. Stop a minute and look around. Not just look, see with new eyes. There IS something you could do to help someone somewhere. Even if it’s just a smile and nice comment about their silly little dog.
Love and Kindness are beautiful gifts. Be sure to give them away every day.
More tomorrow.