Such a beautiful city call home! Last Wednesday evening, we had the rare opportunity to watch The Mayor in action. Like many cities and states in our great country, our leader gives an annual address to the local citizens. Ours was The State of the City Address — 2024.
Dead tired after a full day of yard and house work, HHH and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. After early burgers at the local Denny’s, we took a detour around the ongoing underpass construction to arrive in time.

There are several things you should know about our city. Our population is growing. When HHH and his brothers arrived so many years ago, there were about 700 people that called this town home. Without anything more than a couple markets and a few bars, life was quiet and sweet.

In 2024, things are a little different. With a population of 25,669 (and growing), HHH and I have made an interesting observation. There are three places in town that handle U-Haul trucks. The number of trucks on these lots keeps increasing. Each week, trucks arrive, but they don’t leave. More and more people are discovering the beauty of small town life, and deciding to move here.
Upon arriving at the meeting, we found the parking lot at the Senior Citizen Center was, once again, overflowing. Parking on one of the last asphalt spaces, we hurried inside to find two seats of honor reserved for us at the Mayor’s table. Sharing this table with his newest little great-granddaughter was a treat. Not often you get to observe a little person that’s only two weeks old.

If only we’d been a little earlier, we could have munched on the most beautiful array of fruit, bread, and cheese. As soon as we sat down, it was time. The Mayor was ON.
Our little town requires a budget of $48 million to keep things rolling. Over the last year, the water department, alone, delivered 1,379,524,900 gallons of treated water from the Truckee River to residents all over the city. On the other end of things, the waste water department treats about that much. Pretty amazing for such a little town.
Our city has a brand new street sweeper. Ground is breaking on a new Community Response and Resource Center which will be a place for residents to meet, work, and play.

After 45 minutes of exciting news about all departments in our city, The Mayor encouraged everyone to become involved with something that interests them. In our small town there’s a job for everyone, from July 4th committee members to 4-H Leaders. Advisory committees. Citizen Volunteers. From the annual rodeo to the sheriff department, the ways to help are endless.
During the meeting, (standing room only), there wasn’t one heckler. Not one environmental whacko. Not one disruptive person throwing paint or yelling obscenities. Just a respectful group of people very interested in the state of our beloved city. It showed how much we all care about the place we call home.

Watching Our Mayor in action, his lifelong love for our town was obvious. There’s no better person to guide the growth of our little town. As my desert roots grow deeper, this little oasis is becoming the gem she was always meant to be. HHH and I are blessed to live on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada.
Whatever you do today, discover some facts about your town that you didn’t already know. Check into committees that need members. Find upcoming events that might need volunteers. In some little way, get involved. For, we can all make the world a better place if we become the change we wish to see in the world.

More tomorrow.