The weekend flew by, as weekends often do. While reviewing receipts for the 2023 tax year, I’m reminded that our greenhouse is not yet a year old. Standing so proudly in the garden area, we can’t wait to fill her with all the seedlings sprouting in the house. Everything takes time.
The next step to make the little house plant-ready is to cover it with shade cloth. That might seem counter productive, but the intensity of the desert sun through the polycarbonate walls makes it necessary. After researching this subject, the consensus is that 70% sun blockage is good. Covering the greenhouse on the top and back is no small job, as it measures 10′ X 14′ x 7′.

Bright and sunny, yesterday was perfect weather for planting. In beautiful redwood planter boxes designed and constructed from scratch by HHH himself, we planted 50 yellow onions, 50 red onions, and 50 garlic cloves. Visually, the garlic purchased at Walmart Garden Center was exactly like the garlic I buy from Raley’s for spaghetti sauce. Just divide up the cloves and plant with the flat side down.
In two oak half-barrels, we planted gold and red potatoes. Within the walls of Winterpast, we’re pampering our russets, harvested from baker potatoes that began sprouting in the pantry.

Closer to the warmth of the house, the patio garden box is now home to lettuce and spinach plants. Everything received a dose of water with a little prayer for good measure.
If this weather holds, things should just take off and grow, along with our water bill. Although the water should cost less than it did for TWO gardening households, it could be as high as a small car payment. In the desert, water is liquid gold. Still too early to turn the sprinklers back on, we’ll be watering by hand and hose for a little longer.

Everywhere we look, buds are swelling. From the crab apple tree to the plum and pear, spring is ready to sprout while the weeds are rev up for another year. One small thing is different. After hiring a company from the little town to the east to spray a pre-emergent weed killer, the number of weeds seems less. Let’s hope the stuff works.
As for the house sprouts, they continue to do their thing. It’s fascinating to see little plants unfold from the tiniest little packages. So far, the seeds that are growing the best on the dining room table are the tomatoes and sunflowers.

Spring is such a beautiful time of year, it just makes one happy to be alive. As clouds drift through the bluest skies, the neighborhood walkers are out. Even the dogs are more energetic, with lots to bark about. It’s just a great time to be alive.
As things do happen in the spring, Wookie will be heavy with Wooklets again. And so, the circle of life spins around, and another growing season begins.
Whatever you do today, start thinking about spring cleaning. Now, just avoiding that thought should make you want to get outside. Check your yard for plants that are starting to stir. Be sure to check the upcoming weather before you turn the water back on. Enjoy!!