The world is full of one crisis after another these days. Just turn on the news for a moment and you’ll find hundreds of stories too horrendous to believe. The sad thing is, most are at least partly true. Crimes play on video just moments after they’re committed. Watching too much of this dulls the senses and cripples the soul with sadness. There is an On/Off button on the remote for good reason.
This morning, there is one very funny headline important to me because great mornings start with a belly laugh. Nevada held the Presidential Primary yesterday. There was only one current candidate on our ballot with a handful of others that had already quit. Just one person that was crowing about a sure win.
What the candidate didn’t consider was a little checkable box called “None of these Candidates”. Well, this poor soul lost the State of Nevada (NOT PRONOUNCED Ne-VAH’-dah for those of you that don’t know) to NONE OF THESE CANDIDATES by 33%!!!!!!
To make things more confusing, tomorrow night, there will be a state caucus in which people will wait in the cold to meet from 5 – 7:30. The results of this vote will determine the winner of state delegates for the upcoming election with the winner taking all. Each voter will be checked for ID and then write their choice on a paper ballot. The results will be interesting.
Other than a person loosing to “None of the Above” in a battleground state, the news remains something I love to turn OFF.

Yesterday, I spent quiet time shopping in our little town. Although not the most glamorous group of stores, I found what I was looking for at every stop. Long gone are the days when one could go to any store and find the needed item on the first try. HHH and I have been searching for Glass-Top Stove Cleaner. Having used this product for years, it was always found nestled on a shelf with the cleaning supplies. Suddenly, there is no room on the shelf for this product anymore. So it is with many products when you live amidst the tumbleweeds on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada.
Friends have often asked where the hub of our town lies? Although there’s a street called “Main”, it also doubles as a highway. There are no retail shopping centers other than the one that’s home to our Walmart. Yet, every time I’ve gone to look for specific things, I find them. They’re just not all in one spot, and sometimes, found in very unlikely stores.
Yesterday, it was at our hardware store that I found the Glass-Top stove cleaner. At our Dollar Tree, the deal of the day was on heavy gloves, beanies, and scarves. With the weather returning to winter, (appropriate but sad), these items will help some less fortunate people as they travel through our town.
The associate asked if I was buying them for gifts. Well? Yes. Gifts for some friends I haven’t met yet. I explained our church mission to “Warm one heart at a time”.
“We have a man that sleeps behind our building every night. It’s so bitterly cold…….” Her voice fell away as she finished my transaction. Perhaps I planted a seed? For $3.75, she could make things just a little better for the man behind the building. There are so many things we could all do to make life a tiny bit better for another.
In the next few days, HHH and I will look for any sunshine we can find while preparing for the next storm. We dream of traveling WEST over Donner Pass to find warmth. THE Donner Pass. Not for the faint of heart, it’s impossible to drive through the pass without thinking of the unfortunate travelers that got caught in the winter of 1846. They would have loved a Dollar Store in which to buy gloves, hats and scarves for their group!
Donner Pass is a lifeline between civilization and the wild west in which I live. If closed by storms, products don’t make it to our shelves. Important things like food and toilet paper stay in parked trucks on the west side of the Sierra’s. In an extended snow storm, the shelves become pretty bare around here. It’s always good to plan ahead for snowy day.
Enjoying the amazing blessings of health, an active brain, and a quiet soul, life is really beautiful for two honeymooners here in the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada. We hope you enjoy a beautiful and peaceful winter day! Spring is coming!