Joni and Joy

I’ve enjoyed a life long girl crush on Miss Mitchell. Joni and I have been through stuff together while she remains the one artist I’ve followed since 1973. As my personal imaginary friend and mentor, her very real words remind me to remain strong in the face of storms. Joni knows a thing or two about life’s storms.

I discovered her my freshman year in college. “Court and Spark” was an album that carried me through many flourishing and broken relationships. The one constant was her words. Many times over I’d return to her lyrics. Magically, her words soothed my babies to sleep or helped the housework or laundry be less annoying. She was along for every three hour drive to the beach. Joni and Joy. We’ve been through it all.

After four long college years, we became even closer while I spent many long months in Tiraspol, Moldavia, USSR. Listening through unending hours of solitude, every single note of her “Court and Spark” album was memorized. In that God-forsaken land, during that intensely lonely time, her words became etched onto my heart. To this day, the notes and lyrics of her songs stop me in my tracks.

Alone as a young woman-child of 21, I experienced a harrowing train trip through several communist countries. While on the REAL Orient Express, I lived the next song in real time! Joni and Joy, clickety-clacking through dangerous lands with the moon and the stars to read.

(And yes, years later, eventually I enjoyed watching my vain ex’s hairline recede.)

As the years rolled on, VST and I attended way too many “People’s Parties”, always throwing lightness on the sadness while laughing it all away.

People’s Party — Joni Mitchell

All the people at this party
They’ve got a lot of style
They’ve got stamps of many countries
They’ve got passport smiles
Some are friendly
Some are cutting
Some are watching it from the wings
Some are standing in the centre
Giving to get something

Photo beauty gets attention
Then her eye paint’s running down
She’s got a rose in her teeth
And a lampshade crown
One minute she’s so happy
Then she’s crying on someone’s knee
Saying laughing and crying
You know it’s the same release

I told you when I met you
I was crazy
Cry for us all, beauty
Cry for Eddie in the corner
Thinking he’s nobody
And Jack behind his joker
And stone-cold Grace behind her fan
And me in my frightened silence
Thinking I don’t understand

I feel like I’m sleeping
Can you wake me
You seem to have a broader sensibility
I’m just living on nerves and feelings
With a weak and a lazy mind
And coming to peoples parties
Fumbling deaf dumb and blind

I wish I had more sense of humour
Keeping the sadness at bay
Throwing the lightness on these things

Laughing it all away

At different times in my life, I, too, have suffered from the weak and lazy mind while standing in frightened silence thinking I don’t understand. Just a profound and deep connection between Joni and Joy.

Over the decades she soothed my nerves as I waited for far too many “Cars on the Hill”.

Joni has nineteen studio albums from which to choose. In 2015, a brain aneurism became testament to her courage. Dig deeper into her life and you’ll find she suffered far more tragic losses while always managing to heal stronger through her grief. She found her way to the top of the world of entertainment long before the “Me, Too” movement had become a thing. She’s all the stronger for her battle scars.

While looking through her music, I found the last song I’ll share with you. I’ll I ever wanted was to come in from the cold. I think many in the world could say the very same thing.

Forever she’ll be My Joni.

More tomorrow.