These days, HHH and I find ourselves covered by all sorts of blessings. Last week, a brother-in-law (one of four), called to invite us to Friday night dinner. It’s been awhile since we’ve been on a date because HHH creates a variety of wonderful meals. From Chicken Cordon Bleu to Steak and Lobster, the man can cook. A change in pace is always fun, so we accepted the invitation.
In 2020, a widow alone, I knew only two people. Now blessed with a beautiful family, I appreciate the love and adoration in my big new family. Manly men, all, their mom raised her boys right. A band of five adult men that actually love each other! In my limited experience with families, finding one in which all members get along is a rarity indeed.
After a week of texting, we decided to meet at The Oyster Bar just thirty minutes to the west. An old time establishment, it’s been a family favorite for decades. Instead of a table for ten, we’d need one for six, as The Mayor and The Coach had previous engagements.

Worried about appearances on this first family outing, HHH reminded me anything this side of my wedding dress would be great. In the wild, wild, west of 2024, sequins and sparkles are few and far between. HHH would wear his Christmas Pendleton, a grey Fedora, and jeans. I found an outfit that played that played well off his. Fixing my hair and makeup was an exciting beginning to the wonderful evening yet to come.
Dressed warmly in black pants, sweater, tall UGG’s and black wool coat, we were out the door to pick up Little Bro and his wife. On the way into town, it was nice to visit with my “Kentucky Rose” sis. She always makes sure everyone feels love and warmth. Her enchanting accent just melts the heart. Lil Bro would be the first to tell you he’s a lucky man to have her as his wife.

Although the big casino was nearly empty, The Oyster Bar Restaurant was hopping. While our group enjoyed all things fishy and delicious, we caught up on the latest news. The Middle Bro and his wife are wintering in Arizona where the temperatures have been hovering in the 70’s. As the oldest brother, HHH, checked on everyone. Intelligent conversation always extends a dinner party, and Friday night was no different. The evening ended too soon and it was time to head back home to our dusty little wide spot in the road on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada.
During our time together, new plans formed. There’ll be a retreat in mid-September full of family, fishing and fun. Idaho better get ready, because the brothers and their wives are coming to town. And, just like that, my life has transformed into a happy one full of family, friends, and love. What a journey through a dark and dangerous wilderness it’s been! The brilliant light of love that surrounds me is the most magnificent blessing of all!

While studying the Bible yesterday, a question fit perfectly with the beautiful weekend I’d enjoyed.
What guided the Israelites through the wilderness?
Faith in spite of fear.
Perseverance in spite of fear.
Obedience in spite of fear.
Hope in spite of fear.
Love in spite of fear.
Traveling through the wilderness of widowhood, I depended on all those tools for guidance in spite of total fear and heartbreak. What a powerful journey it’s been! It IS possible to get through the worst situations by taking just one step at a time.
Whatever you do today, take some time to focus on faith, perseverance, obedience, hope, and love. Essential tools to help you through difficult times.
More tomorrow.