Attitude is everything. It’s just that simple. Seeing things from a positive point of view seems almost impossible at certain times in life. No one knows more than a widow how a crushed spirit dries up the bones (the second part of that verse).
I know a man who has been battling an infection in his big toe for months and months. He started with a normal antibiotic at first but it didn’t work. After trying more potent drugs, he received a port for IV treatments using one of the strongest medications available. He still has his toe while fighting diabetes. One of his eyes doesn’t see well but his heart is better after having received open-heart surgery.

This man is one of the most positive people I’ve ever met. Along with all of life’s physical obstacles, he is up and at it every single day. His smile and great outlook on life are an inspiration. I’m so glad he ministers to HHH and me. You see, he’s our pastor.
Yesterday, he chose to speak about Proverbs and explain a little about how the book was written. In the Old Testament, the first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are books of the Law. Next come the books holding history. Proverbs is in the section of poetic books. The remaining books holds Prophecy.
Written in modern language, my study Bible also offers insight into the verses. Learning the Bible isn’t one story from beginning to end helped me to better understand. Prolific authors of the books amazing writers, Moses having written the first five chapters. King Solomon wrote most of Proverbs along with Agur and Lemuel. Apostle Paul was one heck of an writer, as well.

Proverbs contains valuable instructions and truths for life. Written in short verses, King Solomon’s words were truly wise. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
According to my Bible, “To be cheerful is to greet others with a welcome, a word of encouragement, an enthusiasm for the task at hand, and a positive outlook for the future. Cheerful people are as welcome as pain-reliving medication.”
Marriage with HHH has given both of us months with cheerful hearts and happy thoughts. This deep and settling contentment has made us both feel years younger. We choose happiness every day.
Yesterday before our service, one of the sweetest church ladies (aged 91 years young), brought two kinds of banana-nut bread. One normal loaf and one sugar-free loaf for our diabetic friends. Just a little something to enjoy before church. Each Sunday, she brings something freshly baked just for us. Even though she doesn’t have to do that, it’s with a cheerful heart that she ENJOYS baking for others! Even at 91!!!!!!

After the service, an annual meeting of the congregation met to go over positions and the budget for the next year. It was heart-warming to see how many people stayed on NFL Sunday. As we discussed available positions, I wasn’t moved to accept any of them.
Until, one was explained.
Stew·ard (/ˈsto͞oərd/) — noun
- 1. A person who looks after the members of a church.
What better job for my Harvest Sister’s and me, than to take care of the needs of our members when they call out for help. There’s something about a little bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup that lifts the spirits when a cold strikes. It’s tough to shovel snow from the drive when you are struggling to survive widowhood. Sometimes life is just plain hard and it helps to get a phone call from a friend. My Harvest Sisters and I can do this for our friends at church. No problem at all.
HHH signed up to help the pastor in another area. Just like that, we’re part of the membership and now considered church elders. We’ll wear that name proudly.
Throughout the meeting, I couldn’t help but watch the pastor infect others with his positive and cheerful heart. His positive attitude is a blessing to us all.
Whatever you do today, think about how you could help your community in one small way. If you’re already doing one small thing, do another. You’ll be surprised to find the more you do, the more you’ll smile. It’s the smiling that leads to a cheerful heart!!