Winter arrived today, with all the

Two days ago, Angel of the Aluminum Cloud and I had a nice long visited. For many years, she actually lived in the wide open spaces of Wyoming, which elevates her to an even higher position in my eyes. In Wyoming, you might live only 10 miles from town, but those 10 miles might as well be 100. We both agreed, it takes a special kind of soul to live and thrive in harsh environments.
People living in the desert, ocean, or mountains need to learn to tolerate Mother Nature, knowing that we are at her mercy. At any time the air-conditioning can go out, and it never goes out when the weather is 70 degrees. Nope. It quits when outside temperatures are 110. It’s the same with heat. It never goes out when it’s 70 degrees.
Last night, when the snow started here on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada, the temperature was 29. In a few hours, we received an amazing dump of very wet snow. At first glance, everything looks gorgeous. Now comes the back-breaking work of snow removal.

Imagine the excitement I’m feeling when thinking about using my brand new snow blower!!!! I’m so excited I can hardly wait. But, it needs to warm up a bit. Now, those of you that live in Florida might have a little trouble imagining the need for one’s very own snow blower. Mine is battery operated and ready to go this morning. In reality, HHH will probably steal all my fun and clear the sidewalk and driveway.

On the sad side of things, yesterday, at least one young man died in an avalanche in Palisades Tahoe, a local ski resort. Several people were injured, as well. There were serious warnings before this storm. Avalanches are a real and deadly danger. Prayers go out to the families of those lost or injured.
Many schools in the higher elevations are closed for the day, as schools do when the snowfall is very heavy. Virginia City Schools are closed, taking me back to my winter days as their science teacher at the middle school. Things get nasty on Mt. Davidson during extremely wicked storms. Sitting on the side of the mountain at 6,200 feet, one year we got 12′ of snow. Again, it takes a certain kind of strong to survive winter there.

Snow is a strange thing. In VC, I’d laugh at the snow, which seemed to be made of styrofoam. With very little water content during some storms, it was easy to brush it off the deck with a broom. Last night’s snow is heavy with water, which will make it more difficult to deal with. It took a bit to brush it off the top of the hot tub. My town received 17″.
I’m so glad we stocked up before the storm today. I’m even more glad that HHH and I have food stored for a real winter storm. We’ll simply put on our warmest jammies, stay in, and watch old movies together. No better way to enjoy our snow day!!!
While honeymooning in our late 60’s, I guess we do look pretty silly sometimes. Yesterday, as we shopped for last minute things, Janet Jackson’s “Miss You Much” was playing in the grocery store. This is one of my favorites, so I started being silly while quietly singing HHH the chorus. An awestruck young woman walked by and said, “I want to shop with you two.” It’s true. We have fun with whatever we’re doing, wherever we are. Very blessed Newlyweds. I mean, when was the last time you sang to someone in the grocery store?
Last night, we watched a special on Yellowstone National Park, which is special to us. It was there we spent our first week of married life.
“In October, lets honeymoon there again!” HHH announced. We decided continue to enjoy our honeymoon for the rest of our lives.
Whatever you do today, listen to the weather report. With all these crazy changes in our normal weather patterns, be mindful that the weather can change in minutes. Stay safe, warm, and dry! As for me, I’m off for a date with Joe in the snow. Happy Winter!!

More tomorrow.