What an interesting place I live. One minute, in the middle of winter, we can enjoy a 50 degree day of sunshine. On that very afternoon, the temperature can drop 20 degrees, as the winds howl. It is in that situation we found ourselves on Saturday, the first big storm of winter.
It all started out so nice. No wind and beautiful sunshine. My Hubba-Hubba-Husband and I were out of a few groceries and decided to get everything we needed before the upcoming storm. In our town, there are three choices.
- Walmart
- Grocery Outlet
- Raley’s
Just three. You can find good in all three, but on this particular day, we found ourselves shopping the aisles of Walmart. It’s always fun to go shopping with HHH, as he has lived in our town his entire life. From 1st grade on, he’s been here. In those days, there was no Walmart, Grocery Outlet, or Raley’s. Come to think of it, I’ve never asked him the name of the market.
At any rate, this day wasn’t any different. We ran into a school chum of his who was the wife of another school chum. This beautiful and random meeting wouldn’t have happened if I’d run to the store alone. Bring HHH along, and there is always someone that needs to say Hi!
When we began our shopping trip, the wind hadn’t yet started. But upon leaving the store, the temperature had dropped due to the wind chill. A high desert wind carrying along a snow storm can cut right through the thickest hoodie. We both scurried to the car and raced home.
The first damage seen was a portion of the fence which had blown right over, exposing the back yard. What a find predicament that was. The winds were now 30 – 35 mph. If you’ve never tried to stand up a portion of fence as the winds are upon you, you haven’t lived.

But, there was more heartbreaking damage. The greenhouse. As of yet, we have not grown one thing in this greenhouse with a secure foundation and the coolest pea gravel floor. It is complete with two nice potting benches and lots of pots just waiting for spring. Nope, nothing has grown in their as of yet.
Now, you might remember than many of my “Old timer” house plants gasped their last bit of CO2 as they burned to death in early fall. Many others lived to tell the tale but haven’t fully recovered.
This fabulous greenhouse with cement foundation has had its share of troubles. In the last severe wind storms, we lost the roof vents and seven panels. Once they were re-secured, we silicon-ed the roof. Saturday, the sides (still un-siliconed, blew out again). Inside, one strawberry plant and an asparagus fern were just trying to stay out of the weather. Good luck with that.
It took both HHH and I to hold down the flapping panels and temporarily secure them with wide tape until the storm passes. The process of siliconing the sides is first on our list, right after fixing the front fence to prevent Oliver and the Wookie from escaping. And so, it goes when living in wild country.

When the snow finally started to fall, the wind stopped. I’m always amazed at the quiet that falls over Winterpast in the middle of a snowstorm. In a very short time, every dormant plant in the back yard was dressed up in soft white. Until, of course, Oliver and the Wookie ran out to play like two children. Wookie racing this way and that with Ollie right on her heels, littering the backyard with doggie footprints.
The first storm of the year left about an inch of the white stuff, which already turned to ice by morning, as snow has a tendency to do. Winter is here. Although we’re expecting 50 degrees again on Tuesday, that heat wave is short-lived, followed by the rest of winter.
There is nothing more beautiful than the bright blue skies hanging over the snow-covered high plains desert of Northwestern Nevada, Just looking outside make me feel grateful to be alive.

Growing up in the central valley of California, the skies were one of two colors. Winter-grey, or grey-blue. One or the other, unless it was November -February, when you couldn’t see the sky because of the fog. Smog and fog. No puffy white clouds or sparkling snow. Nope. Just smog and fog. I cannot explain enough how I don’t miss either of those.
This week, HHH and I need to fix the fence and silicone the greenhouse walls. I’m sure we’ll make the best of both of those chores. Married life continues to be blissful and full of happiness, the way it should be. There is so much in life for which to be truly grateful.
Whatever you do today, stay warm and dry, if possible. In case of a windstorm, carry heavy tape and something to block the hole in case your fence goes over. It can happen when you least expect it.

More tomorrow.