And the seasons, they go round and round. Under a bright sunny sky, we used the last days of warmish weather to box the outdoor lights. Finally, winter has come to stay awhile with fall temperatures a thing of the past. Snow is coming soon. This morning it’s chilly at 33 degrees.
Wednesday, it was time to take care of Oliver’s grooming needs. On the long drive across the desert, HHH and I discussed the best doggie-do’s for this time of year. Both of us agreed that the Wookie and Oliver should hang onto their fur. But, there are some places fur is just in the way.
Never was it my desire to become a little old lady with a white dog needing fanny grooming. I’ve watched those sweet ladies over the years. Usually holding curly little poodles of the shivering type, they’d have the grooming appointments made weeks in advance. Now, with my own little white dog to care for, I can no longer judge.
The truth can’t be ignored. I’m now the owner of a little white dog that needs a butt shave.
Sam has been Ollie’s groomer since the very beginning. They’ve got a thing going on. I only need to mention her name and Ollie runs to the car door.
In the beginning, there were some haircuts that were indicative of the struggle they shared. Sam used to call him her “bucking bronco”. I can only envision their early grooming sessions. Finally, she resorted to using a sling to hold his wiggling body for foot care. Slowly, his haircuts have improved.
When we finally arrived, she asked what services Oliver would be needing.
“Just the minimum, Sam.”
“Face, Fanny, and Feet?”
I never thought of it in that way. Yes. Exactly.

After two hours, we returned to the shop to retrieve him. Although I hadn’t received a text, I assumed that he’d soon be ready. As I quietly entered, there stood Sir Oliver of Ashworth Hall on the top of the stainless grooming table. It was a thing of beauty. A perfectly relaxed fluffy, cream, piebald, wire-haired standard dachshund. His soft green eyes were relaxed as he waited patiently for his foot care.
Whose dog is that??????

This can’t be the same crazy little dog that races the fence barking his head off. The same one that chases the Wookie around the house nipping at her heals. The same one that stole my heart five Christmas’s ago. Except, all grown up.
In a split second he saw me and nearly jumped off the table. The old Oliver returned as I went back to the car to wait a little more. Best haircut in his 5.5 years on this earth.
Yesterday, was my turn for feet and hands at the nail salon. How quickly one can get spoiled to manicures and pedicures. HHH convinced me to spruce up a bit for the wedding, and since then, I’m hooked. It was time for a bit of pampering as the new year roars toward the end of the first week.
I’m always amazed at how many colors are shelved on the walls of my nail shop. From simple black to a bright neon yellow, I always choose the same one. Sparkling Angel Pink Gel. It’s HHH’s favorite color, being rather “girly”. I can’t disappoint.

A month ago, I went rogue and chose a sparkly blue green blue-green. I wanted to try something different, not realizing there are some colors choices better than others.
Racing home, I was quick to show HHH my new nails….. “I got my nails done.”

“Hhhhhhmmmm. You certainly did.”
With that telling response, my nail artist redid them the next morning.
Somethings are just a step too far.
Today, with fingers, toes, face, feet, and fanny, ready for the weekend, our pack has plans to hunker down for the upcoming snowstorm. The first of the season, the Sierra’s should get their fair share of moisture.
Although not covered on the news, the Central Coastline of California has been hit pretty hard. Prayers and love go out to the Goddess of the Central Coast, who experienced waves that broke OVER her house. That’s not the way anyone wants the new year to begin, least of all, the Goddess of the Central Coast. Hang in there, the storms will pass soon.
Whatever you are doing today, pamper yourself just a little. Even taking time for a quiet cup of tea is a lovely treat. Call a friend. Write a letter. All while taking a little time for yourself.
Happy Friday!!! I’ll be back with more stories on Monday.