The past month was filled with so many different types of JOY, it’s hard to pick a topic from the choices. From celebrating our new marriage to enjoying small town traditions, this Christmas season held it all and this year, it’s hard to move on. Just a few weeks back, we were unpacking our Christmas boxes. In the blink of an eye, it’s time to repack the holidays for next year.
As our Christmas lights glow for the last few nights, I’m reminded of a new experience I encountered during this very new marriage to HHH.
HHH had been itching to do SOMETHING with the front yard. ANYTHING AT ALL. When I moved into Winterpast in 2020, the plants and bushes were so high, the house was hidden. It’s a beautiful place that shines all on her own, however, the juniper bushes weren’t doing her any favors. Everything but the trees were removed in 2021.
Since then, xeriscaping has produced a fine look for me, with plans for zero scaping in the future. With wild mustangs eating everything in sight, there’s no reason to plant anything until a fence is installed. That’s the big plan for Winterpast this year. A front yard fence! But, for now, the barren landscape has been sprayed for weeds and sits awaiting spring.
Each evening until December 1st, HHH would sit on the front porch pondering just what he would do with lights. And then, it was time to begin. It started with white ice cycle lights around the front of the house. Pristine and emitting a soft glow, the look was just right for Winterpast. That would have been an amazing improvement, but he wasn’t stopping there.
Every day was filled with the search for more lights. More extension cords. The location of the GFI breaker when it was tripped. More decorations. A family of deer. Two trees. nets of colored lights. It went on and on. All the while, the Marine-Across-The-Street was observing and putting up a fine display of his own.

The dueling Marines encouraged each other with every new strand of lighting they installed. Lighted candy canes appeared in one yard. Trees came alive with lighting in another. Slowly, our street became a sea of beautiful lights probably visible from space.
My Ninja Neighbor joined in the fun, making her yard into a wonderland of white lighting. Everyone on our street became involved in this endeavor. The mystery neighbor got with it and decorated his porch with lights. The people-on-the-move took time to light up their front door. Little by little the unexpected joy of Christmas lights took over. More than once, I noticed cars driving slowly down our street enjoying the results of our holiday spirit.
H-H-H Marine is already planning for next year. A forest of trees to the north of the drive. A decorated door on the RV barn. Animated figures. Maybe a manger scene with real animals. The possibilities are endless. With 2,000 new white lights, he’s planning to fancy up the back yard for those summer barbeques we’re planning. And the twinkly fun goes on and on.

I must report on one unexpected event that took us by surprise. It involves The Wookie, our girl-fur-baby. Wookie is an Aussie-Doodle who is very, very smart. She is also agile, learning that my dining room table was a fun place on which to jump for a better view out the window. Never have I ever!!!
Monday night, HHH was going to work his magic with two lovely pork chops. Not thin porkchops. No. These were the thick, delicious, delicious, gourmet type. He’d been working on the recipe all day while the chops thawed on the kitchen counter.
Late in the day, I was watering poinsettias, when I noticed there was only one porkchop on the plate. I thought HHH had probably put the second one in the microwave to thaw it a bit.
At about that time, I noticed our Wookie outside on the lawn. In a strange stance, she looked like she was in the middle of something. Perhaps choking. Perhaps relieving herself. Or perhaps……….
You guessed it.
She had STOLEN one beautiful chop from the counter!!!!
We now have a counter-surfing kitchen thief extraordinaire on our hands. What a character!!!
HHH was not amused. He and the Wookie had a very serious meeting outside in which, after much protest, 1/2 a chop was retrieved. An Unexpected Joy for the Wookie. I guess everyone needs to enjoy a holiday moment now and then.

Whatever you do today, don’t underestimate the lengths wo which your pets will go when a beautiful porkchop is involved. They are much smarter and more resourceful than we think. Gee, it must have been her who emptied the box of See’s candy……Yes. We’ll stick with that story.
More tomorrow.