What a difference a month of rest and relaxation can make!!! Throughout the holiday season, Hubba-Hubba-Husband and I were constantly reminded of the miracles in this great world. Although the broadcast news would make us all believe we’re surrounded by grinchy jackals and thieves, we found our little town on the high dessert plains of Northwest Nevada to be a bit like Who-Ville. Small town sweet and kind.

The holiday season can be full of ghosts that lurk in boxes of Christmas past. There were some decorations that didn’t make it to the 2023 display. After playing for 33 years, my set of electrified brass musical bells decided they had played their last song. The little Christmas village lost all power due to old and shoddy wiring. Other smaller decorations lost their luster over the long hot summer. And so, our Christmas decorations were pared down.
As for the exterior lighting, HHH went overboard to win our neighborhood lighting award. From a family of deer to exact lighted replicas of Oliver and Wookie, our house sparkled under at least 50,000 lights. And, during our first Christmas season, we sparkled just as brightly as Winterpast took on a festive glow.

When I moved to Winterpast in 2020, I was a new widow of just 17 days. A week before Christmas, I managed to trip over Oliver’s bed and sprain my ankle. The first year without a husband is pretty rough. Although VST and I shared not one real holiday tradition for 33 years, the lack of tradition was a tradition in itself. I didn’t know any different. We made Christmas Eve our shopping day, and spent more than one enjoying an empty mall while choosing our own gifts. It was just the way we rolled and there is something to be said for simplicity.
So, when my first widowed Christmas arrived in 2020, lights weren’t even in my thoughts. Of course, Winterpast would remain dark, with Oliver and I cocooned on the couch, nursing my bruises.
I did enjoy 9 presents, each one representing a month alone. During that first year, I had chosen a word a month that represented our relationship over the years. Friendship. Love. Adventure. Faith. Etc. With each new month, the word was my life-line when the hours became overwhelming. When about to lose it, I would simply think of the word of the month and all the reasons that word was so appropriate. Pretty soon, I’d be smiling and the crisis would be washed away in a sea of beautiful memories.
That first Christmas, I’d also included a note to my grieving self. Those words, written over the previous 9 months, spoke to the healing and birth of a new woman. And, those words, as words always do, helped heal my soul as days turned into months, and then years. Without actual lights, the soft glow from inside the house intensified. There was life inside, even if battered and bruise. That life would need time to heal until at some point, lights would be appropriate.

Over four years later, there is no doubt two very happy newlyweds live here now. Any light display wouldn’t be complete without a cross. Christ IS the reason for the season and it WAS represented in a huge white cross a blaze with twinkling lights.
This year, HHH and I shared many traditions, new to me. From hurrying to the door to hide presents, to putting up our beautiful tree, HHH was right there enjoying every minute with me. Just two lovely senior citizens enjoying their second month as a married couple. We finished our lovely holiday season by hosting a dinner for friends that were alone. Twelve new friends visited over ham, scalloped potatoes and homemade carrot cake. A wonderful meal was enjoyed by all.

As promised, through the month of December, we spent lots of time talking about the new blog site. Hubba-Hubba-Husband and I finally decided on a name. With a special nod to our love for gardening, it will focus on the surprises of marrying later in life. We plan to share our adventures with you, and yes, you will hear from HHH, as he has a lot to say. Stay tuned for upcoming information on the new blog. It is within days of blooming.
Throughout the years, Grievinggardener.com has helped me through very dark times as I healed through grief. It helped me to find the woman that was there all along. As you all took time to read, I could feel your prayers and love. And slowly, through words, I healed.
Now, it’s time to share our new life. Just Two Romantic Roses enjoying life to the fullest. I promise you laughter and plenty of good gardening tips. I hope you come along for the ride with HHH and me, making happy memories of us.
More tomorrow.